How about Linwu Primary School in Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City?

Linwu Primary School in Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City is registered in Guangdong Province, and its registered address is located in Linwu Village, Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Linwu Primary School in Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City is 12440883707723798G, and Li Xiangming, an enterprise legal person, is currently in business.

The business scope of Linwu Primary School in Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City is to fully implement the Party's education policy and carry out education and teaching work. Within the scope of this province, the registered capital of mobile enterprises belongs to the general.

See more information and materials of Linwu Primary School in Huang Po Town, Wuchuan City through Baidu Enterprise Credit.