The preface of Wu's genealogy in Yanling is well said: Genealogy rose in the Middle Ages, and there was pre-Wang Yifeng. "The first Wang Zong's legal system was bad and respected, then the religion died, then the spectrum stood, then the spectrum was clear, then the righteousness was born, then the righteousness was done, and then the ceremony was respected." The emergence of genealogy is the product of saving the patriarchal clan system and maintaining the purity of genealogy after the patriarchal clan system was destroyed. With genealogy, there will be differences and distinctions, and you will know where you come from, which family you belong to, and which branch you belong to, so you won't mistake your ancestral sects. Without genealogy, it means passive water, trees without roots, and no ownership. With the development of clans, descendants will multiply and divide, clans will become more and more alienated, and even brothers of the same clan will regard them as passers-by With genealogy, we can contact the feelings between clans with the same surname. Therefore, the ancestors and ancestors are connected in parallel, inheriting the ancient plan, and not cutting here (spectrum) (Gan Long has visited the Preface of the Imperial Clan Wu). In most of the family rules of Wu's genealogy, the revision of genealogy is a prominent one.
Because genealogy has such an important mysterious function, all clans in Wu attach great importance to the collection and preservation of genealogy. Every time we revise the genealogy, we must first indicate the name of the person receiving the genealogy and enlighten the genealogy coefficient. Patriarchal rules require people to pay attention to the collection of genealogy, not like ordinary ones. Don't scribble or let rats bite insects, be damp and moldy, and don't be greedy for money, or hell will pay. Wu's branch music "The Record of Giving Music" stipulates that "on Qingming Day, afternoon, evening and unitary year, people will gather in the mansion with their fun, and the people will see it with the same value. Anyone who destroys will be punished, and those who lose will be given a light punishment and will not be repaid. "
When compiling genealogy, scholars, celebrities, politicians or local celebrities are often asked to make a preface, and Wu's genealogy is no exception. A preface, or the history of family development, or the origin of genealogy, or the meaning of genealogy. Therefore, the preface is a short historical and moral article, and at the same time, it is often a masterpiece of prose.
The existing Preface to Wu Family Tree was first introduced by Wu, a famous writer in Tang Dynasty. Wu is the sixth1grandson. His poems and songs are magnificent, and together with Fu Jiamo, they are called "Five Blessingg Style". Since then, Wu's genealogy has been prefaced by Wu Zunlu, a famous scholar in the early Song Dynasty and a great scholar in Longtuge. From the Song Dynasty to the Republic of China, there are countless Wu genealogies written by scholars and politicians.