Ze Wu Liang Jin

Mencius said that "Wen Wang ruled" and "Ze Liang was not forbidden" (Mencius Liang Wang Hui Xia), saying that if the world is ruled, there is no forbidden fish in the lake. Oppose the ban of "killing its elk like a murderer" in a hunting ground on the outskirts of the capital of Qi, saying that this ban is tantamount to setting a trap in China, that is, "trapping the country to death" (ibid.). Here, Mencius not only advocated that Qi Xuanwang should have fun with the people, but also actually reflected the negative impact of Mencius' theory of good nature on ecological ethics (Mencius knew that there was an order to sacrifice beams and protect the ecology in Zhou Wenwang's era, but because he advocated that human nature was good, there was no need to ban it, so he did not advocate the implementation of severe punishment policies such as the order to sacrifice beams).