On one occasion, Gaudi suddenly asked Wang Sengqian, "Who has better handwriting, you or me?"
This question is difficult to answer. It is against one's will to say that Gaudi's handwriting is better than his own: saying that Gaudi's handwriting is not as good as his own will make Gaudi's face hang up, or the relationship between the monarch and the minister will be very tense.
Wang Sengqian's answer is very clever: "My word minister is the best, and yours is the best."
There are only a few emperors, but countless officials. Wang Sengqian's implication is very clear. Gaudi understood the implication, ha ha ha smiled, also forget about it, no longer polite.
This story tells us that on many occasions, when something is difficult to be straightforward or clear, it is best to express it in a roundabout way.
Speaking straight is an unwritten social unspoken rule. Because when communicating with people, vagueness can not only leave more room for yourself, but also avoid direct conflict. Therefore, people who like to call a spade a spade should pay attention to improving their way of speaking.
[Moon] Good night