Yuan Tuotuo Wang Kaizhuan
Wang Kaizi wins it. Grandfather Wang Shenjun, who was the supervisor of Yongxing Army in berthing, died of attacking thieves and soldiers, so he moved to Jingzhao. Very rich, Wang Kai gave alms to make friends, and hunted down the South Mountain every day. As a result, he trampled on the private land and was arrested by the government. At that time, Kou Zhun was guarding Chang 'an, and saw his strange appearance.
excused him, saying, "Wang Quanbin made great contributions to the capture of Shu, while Wang Shenjun died because of loyalty, so he should employ orphans. "So he was appointed to serve in Class Three and supervise Fengxiang's tax collection. He has been in charge of the right and left classes, supervising the Yizhou Purchase Institute, supervising the soldiers and horses in Heshui Town, Gyeongju, and supervising the grassland in Beijing.
At first, the straw left by the watchman swept into his pocket, and Wang Kai ordered it to be forbidden, so his men wanted to frame him. When it was discovered, other prison officers were convicted of deliberate indulgence, and Wang Kai was spared. From the right to wait on the ban, Xiongzhou military forces are in custody, and the door is promoted to wait, and Xing Zhao is appointed as the patrol ambassador.
Yuan Hao rebelled and (Wang Kai) moved to Linzhou Dujian. I once went out to the Double Beacon Bridge and Dyed Branch Valley, met Xia Jun, and defeated them. He also attacked Pangqing and Huangluo, and once again served the beacon battle, beheaded more than 3 levels before and after, and gained thousands of fallen horses, cattle, camels and equipment. Xia Jun besieged our state, boarded the city to resist, 31 days and nights, and then cleared away. Specially promoted to Xitou Worship Officer.
After the official moved to the generation, the border was still plundered by the enemy. They were both patrol envoys at Chongban and Linzhou Road in the Inner Temple, and patrol Zhang Gang to protect the grain road to Qingmeilang. Suddenly, a large number of enemies attacked and separated from Zhang Gang.
So we split up and attacked him from behind. He joined Zhang Gang again and beheaded more than 1 people. Once again, he entered Rabbit Maochuan, where there were 3, thieves. Wang Kai led 6, people into a siege, and an arrow hit them in the face. He continued to fight and ignored them, and killed more than 1 people. The thieves trampled on themselves, and thousands of people died.
he was promoted to the position of assistant envoy of South Workshop, and later he was appointed as the commander of Bingzhou and Daizhou, in charge of the military forces of Goulin House. Xia Jun invaded Qingzhai Castle with 2, troops, and Kai sent troops to Xiexie Valley, fought for 4 miles, and went to Duyuegu Sichuan, where he defeated the enemy and regained the cattle and horses he had plundered and returned.
Ming Gao, the manager, said that Wang Kai had been outside the Yellow River for nine years and had made contributions, so he made a history of Zizhou. After a long time, he was recalled and didn't return to Beijing. Thieves rose in Ganling and immediately ordered Wang Kai to lead troops to the gate.
The bandits were pacified, and they were responsible for the history of Zezhou and the management of Aizhou. Soon, he was the commander of the four compartments of Shenlong Wei and the ambassador of Zezhou Yong ying. He served as the deputy director of Huanqing, Biandai and Dingzhou Road, and was the defense ambassador of the four compartments of Tianwu and Mianzhou. He was repeatedly promoted as the commander of the guards and the deputy commander of the army, and the observation ambassador of Jingzhou.
He was transferred to Qinfeng Road again. On the day he left to take office, the emperor told him that there was a possibility of invasion because of the traffic jam, and he should deal with it calmly. When Wang Kai arrived, he comforted the commander in chief with kindness, so he resumed his daily tribute. Call worship for Wu Shengjun festival observation stay, bodyguard pro-army Ma Jun deputy commander. Sixty-six years old when he died. Give our ambassador to Zhangwu Army, posthumous title Zhuang Ke.
Kay is disciplined in running the army, and is good at appeasing soldiers. He usually eats and drinks with soldiers, and when he gets cold feet, he personally plays the drums, but he never lets others do it once. Therefore, soldiers fear and trust, and there is no failure in the war. They have met the enemy one after another without setbacks. During the Battle of Rabbit Maochuan, Song Yongcheng, the chamberlain, cried in the army, and Cao Kai impeached and removed him. I especially like old things.
son Li Jian. Li Jian's son, Li E, whose name is Jin Qing, is good at poetry and painting. He married princess royal, the state of Shu, and stayed behind.
Original text:
The word "Kai" wins it. Zu Shen Jun, who was the commander of Yongxing Army stationed in the berth, killed the thief, so he went home to Jing Zhao. Rao Yucai and Kai scattered gifts and made friends, and they hunted down the south mountain day by day to destroy the people's fields and capture them to the government.
when Kou Zhun was guarding Chang' an, he looked strange. As the saying goes, "Quan Bin has a hard time taking Shu, but judging Jun to die with loyalty, he should be recorded as an orphan." I thought that the three classes were in charge and supervised Fengxiang's taxes. Li Zuoban Dianzhi, Yizhou Buyuan, Gyeongju Heshui Town, Military Forces, and Beijing Caochang.
first of all, guard the pawn and sweep away the remains, and then enter, while Kai forbids it, but from the desire to harm it. As a matter of fact, all his supervisors are sitting still, and Kay is exempt. From the right side, Shi Jin, Xiongzhou military forces and soldiers were detained, and the door was closed for waiting, and Xing Zhao was appointed as the patrol ambassador.
Yuan Haofan moved to the state capital. Taste the double beacon bridge and the valley of dyed branches, and break it when you meet the Xia people. He also defeated Pang Qing and Huang Luo, and then fought to serve the beacon. He beheaded more than 3 people before and after, and captured thousands of fallen cattle, camels and equipment. Xia people surrounded Linzhou, refused to fight by the city, and stayed up all night for 31 days. Specially moved to the west to worship the official.
On behalf of the relocation, the bandits were still plundered, thinking that the patrol envoys at Chongban in the inner hall and the roadside of Linzhou were on patrol, and Zhang Gang, who was on patrol with him, protected the grain road in Qingmeilang, so that the bandits were suddenly caught and lost. It is an adventurous attack from behind. After the reunion, I beheaded more than 1 levels. After entering Rabbit Maochuan again, there were 3, thieves, and after Kay, 6, were trapped in the middle of the stream, and they were puzzled by the fight. They beheaded more than 1 levels, and the thieves did whatever they wanted, and the dead were thousands.
he moved to the south workshop, and later he was in charge of the military affairs of Goulin House. In the summer, 2, men marched out of the Xiexie Valley and 4 miles to Duyuegu River, where they were defeated and recovered the horses and cattle they had plundered.
After making Ming Gao Yan Kai stay outside the river for nine years, he made meritorious service, so he took over the state secretariat. After a long time, I called back, but if I didn't see it, I would steal Ganling, and I ordered my troops to go to the gate. Thief Ping, thanks to the secretariat of Zezhou, Zhizhi Prefecture.
in a short time, he was the commander of the four compartments of Shenlong Wei, the training ambassador of Zezhou, the deputy general manager of Huanqing, Biandai and Dingzhou Road, the defense ambassador of the four compartments of Tianwu and Mianzhou, the commander of the pro-army and the deputy commander of Jingzhou. He moved to Qinfeng Road again, resigned, and the emperor ordered him to sign a wooden sign, and the transaction was blocked. It was quite cute to invade, so he should take it calmly.
Kaizhi, with the kindness and trust of the head coach, returned to pay tribute. After calling on Wu Shengjun to observe and stay, the guards, the pro-army, and the deputy commanders were all in command. Died, 66 years old. Give Zhang Wujun our ambassador, Shi Zhuangke.
Kai ruled the army with discipline, was good at caring for his soldiers, lived in peace and balanced food and drink, and decided to take a lot of vacations when he got cold feet. Therefore, the foot soldiers were afraid of the letter, and they did not fail in the war. They met the enemy before and after and never lost. In the battle of Rabbit Maochuan, Song Yongcheng, the chamberlain, cried in the army, but Kai disintegrated. You Du is better than the old one.
silence. With a silent son, the word Jin Qing, who is good at poetry and painting, is still in princess royal, Shu, and the official is left behind. Extended information
Writing background:
In the early Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan of Yuan Shizu wrote a letter to revise the history of the Song Dynasty, but it failed because of different styles and titles. In March of the third year of Yuan Shundi's reign, he ordered the revision of the three histories of Liao, Jin and Song.
Temujir Tashi, He Weiyi, Zhang Qiyan, Ouyang Xuan and other seven people served as the chief executive officers, as well as 23 historians, including Wo Yulun, Tai Buhua, Yu Wenchuan, Gong Shidao, Yu Que, Jia Lu and Wei Su. Tuotuo resigned in May of the fourth year of Zhizheng, and was succeeded by Arutu, the right prime minister of Zhongshu. Although Arutu was named as the president of Du, he was not familiar with Chinese characters.
Content Description:
The History of Song Dynasty contains 47 volumes of Chronicle, 162 volumes of Records, 32 volumes of Table, 255 volumes of Biography, and 496 volumes of * *, which is the largest historical book in China's twenty-four history.
The History of the Song Dynasty is voluminous, with biographies of more than 2, people, twice as many as those of the Book of the Old Tang Dynasty. The Biography of Ministers on Wednesday listed Han Tong, Li Jun and Li Zhongjin in the same column, spanning the Five Dynasties to the early Song Dynasty, making up for the shortcomings of the past five dynasties.
Records has fifteen records (astronomy, five elements, calendar, geography, canals, rituals, music, etiquette, clothing, elections, official positions, food, soldiers, punishments and arts), accounting for about one third of the book, second only to Biography.
The weight is also great in the twenty-fourth history. The Official Records describes in detail the organization of the bureaucracies at all levels from the central to the local level in the Song Dynasty. The Records of Food Goods and the Records of Soldiers are also well compiled and detailed, which are unique in the twenty-fourth history.
There are fourteen volumes of Shihuozhi, which is seven times as much as Shihuozhi in Old Tang Dynasty.
According to the situation of the Song Dynasty, The History of the Song Dynasty includes four volumes of Treacherous Courtiers and three volumes of Treacherous Courtiers, which are biographies of Cai Jing, Huang Qianshan, Qin Gui, Zhang Bangchang and Liu Yu. There are also four volumes of Daoism, which are biographies of Taoist figures such as Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai and Zhu Xi.
About the author:
Tuotuo (January 1, 1314-1356), also known as Tuoketuo, Tuotuo Timur, Miri Beggar, a Mongolian beggar, was a politician and strategist in the late Yuan Dynasty.
in 1334, in the second year of the Yuan Dynasty, he was appointed as a Tongzhi Xuan Zheng Yuan, and moved to China as a political envoy, a Tongzhi Privy Council, an ancient scholar, and a right-hand prime minister of Zhongshu. In the sixth year of Zhiyuan (in 134), he became the right prime minister of Zhongshu in October of the lunar calendar, greatly changed the old government of Bo Yan, and resumed the imperial examination.
in the third year of Zhengzheng (that is, in 1343), Tuotuo was the chief editor of Liao History, Song History and Jin History, and served as the president of the capital.
In the ninth year of Zhengzheng (1349), he came back as the prime minister of Zhongshu Zuo, and in the tenth year of Zhengzheng (135), Tuotuo was appointed as the prime minister of Zhongshu Right, issued a new banknote "Zhiorthogonal banknote", and sent Jia Lu to govern the Yellow River. His achievements were outstanding, and he won the hearts of flood victims and was praised as a "sage".
In the 11th year of Zhizheng (1351), the Yellow River peasant worker uprising was built and the Red Scarf Army was suppressed. In the 15th year of Zhizheng (1355), he was dismissed from his post and exiled to Yunnan, and later he was sent to Hui Zong by the imperial edict of Yuan Dynasty. In the twenty-second year of Zhizheng (1362), Zhao Xue was reinstated as an official.
Uncle Bo Yan, the minister of Yuan Dynasty, and Yuan Shundi became prime minister of Zhongshu right after he acceded to the throne, and held the state affairs independently for eight years; Father Ma Za 'ertai has occupied an important position since Injong, and after Bo Yan's strike, he became the right prime minister of Ren Zhongshu. Tuotuo's death made him try his best to repair the dam ruled by the Yuan Dynasty, and it also became a turning point for the Yuan Dynasty to collapse and perish.
Tuotuo has been raised in his uncle Bo Yan's home since childhood. A little longer, I studied in the famous Confucianism and Wu Zhifang.
a straight, well-written man, he was born in Pujiang, Wujiang River (now in Pujiang, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province), and he had a deep knowledge of Confucianism. He had made friends with famous Confucianism such as Fang Feng, Xie Ao and Wu Siqi.
Later, he traveled to the capital and taught in the official residence of King Zhou and Shi Yan. After Shi Yan left, he was transferred to Shangdu Road to learn the truth. His father Mazaertai praised his wisdom and compared him to Zhu Gekongming. So he went to the government to teach his son to take off the tuo and Timur first.
Wu Zhifang was Tuotuo's first teacher and later became Tuotuo's confidant. When he was a teenager, he was an obvious general, who was able to pull a bow and pull a stone. However, after being coaxed by Wu Zhifang, he accepted many Confucian cultures. Although he was not used to the life of sitting and reading poetry books all day, his progress was still obvious.
Get rid of good calligraphy and painting, and the calligraphy is firm and powerful, just like Yan Zhenqing; Painting bamboo is quite interesting. He was most influenced by Confucianism to be a man by Confucian standards, and he set the ambition of "Diary of the ancients praised words and deeds and served them for life" (The Biography of Tuotuo in Yuan History).