What does Internet++ mean?

●What does Internet+ mean?

Professionally speaking, "Internet +" is actually a new form of Internet development and new business formats under Innovation 2.0, and it is the evolution of the Internet form driven by Knowledge Society Innovation 2.0. The development of a new generation of information technology has given rise to Innovation 2.0, which in turn affects the formation and development of a new generation of information technology, reshaping new forms of new generation information technology such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, social computing, and big data. , and further promote Innovation 2.0, a knowledge society characterized by user innovation, open innovation, mass innovation, and collaborative innovation, which has changed our production, work, and lifestyle, and also led the "new normal" of innovation-driven development.

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In short, Internet+ actually means that The characteristics of breaking information asymmetry, reducing transaction costs, promoting the deepening of division of labor and improving labor productivity provide an important platform and opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of all walks of life. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to combine the Internet with traditional industries to promote the development of industries in all walks of life. .

"Internet +" represents a new economic form, that is, giving full play to the optimization and integration role of the Internet in the allocation of production factors, deeply integrating the innovative results of the Internet into various fields of the economy and society, and improving The innovation and production capabilities of the real economy have formed a broader new form of economic development based on the Internet and implementation tools.

The concept of "Internet +" is actually far greater than the concept of "Internet + traditional industries". Because the Internet is no longer an industry, it has jumped out of the scope of an industry. The Internet has long been sneaking into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently, and there is no such concept as a traditional enterprise anymore. The Internet has become a big engine of the national economy, an engine of efficiency, and an engine of innovation. Therefore, the "Internet +" era should be the period between the Internet era and the post-Internet era. The recent concept can be compared to "PC+".

Nowadays, the development of Internet technology is becoming more and more mature, and traditional enterprises are also trying to continue Internet marketing. The concept of Internet + is simply understood, which is to combine non-Internet traditional industries with the Internet to achieve further development. This is a very broad concept. concept. For example, agricultural products can also be sold on the Internet, which not only helps reduce costs, but can also be sold nationwide or even globally, etc.

Since "Internet +" involves a wide range of industries and can involve various industries, it is difficult to explain the concept in one or two sentences. To understand it simply, it can be regarded as the development of the Internet combined with traditional industries, or It is an open platform for the Internet.

Related expansion:

Six characteristics of "Internet +"

First, cross-border integration. + means cross-border, change, openness, reshaping and integration. If you dare to cross boundaries, the foundation for innovation will be more solid; if you integrate and collaborate, group intelligence will be realized, and the path from R&D to industrialization will be more vertical. Fusion itself also refers to the fusion of identities, the transformation of customer consumption into investment, the participation of partners in innovation, and so on.

The second is innovation-driven. China's extensive resource-driven growth model has long been unsustainable, and it must shift to the correct path of innovation-driven development. This is exactly the characteristic of the Internet. Using the so-called Internet thinking to seek change and self-revolution can also better unleash the power of innovation.

The third is to reshape the structure.

The information revolution, globalization, and the Internet have broken the original social structure, economic structure, geographical structure, and cultural structure. Power, rules of procedure, and voice are constantly changing. Internet + social governance and virtual social governance will be very different.

The fourth is to respect human nature. The brilliance of human nature is the most fundamental force that promotes scientific and technological progress, economic growth, social progress, and cultural prosperity. The power of the Internet also comes from the greatest respect for human nature, awe of human experience, and respect for human beings. Emphasis on creative expression. For example, UGC, involvement marketing, and sharing economy.

The fifth is open ecology. Regarding Internet+, ecology is a very important feature, and ecology itself is open. As we promote Internet+, one of the important directions is to resolve the links that restricted innovation in the past, connect isolated innovation islands, make research and development driven by the market determined by human nature, and allow entrepreneurs and hard-working entrepreneurs to have the opportunity to realize value.

Sixth is to connect everything. There are levels of connection, there are differences in connectability, and the value of connection varies greatly, but connecting everything is the goal of Internet+.