Wash the writing cloth with water first. Touching water is not just touching. One reason is that many washed writing cloths are not washed well. Be careful not to get water on your back. As long as the front side, that is, the writing side, is stained with water, you can apply it to the washing cloth with your palm, without using a lot of water, just dip it in water directly. Pay attention to this process, don't put the writing cloth on the ground or anywhere else, but hold it in your hand.
Detergents can be used appropriately. Detergent should not be highly irritating, but mild reagents should be used. For example, the shower gel used in our daily bath is a very good reagent. You can use your palm to evenly stick the shower gel on the writing cloth without applying too much.
The above two parts are completed, and the washing begins. Washing is not the same as washing clothes with our hands, but holding the writing cloth in our left hand and moving the right hand gently on the writing cloth to wash away the stains to be washed away. Note that this process needs to be cautious, and try not to distort the writing cloth, otherwise it will cause damage.
After washing, the water-writing cloth must be dried immediately. It is best to clamp the two joints of the water-writing cloth with small clips and hang them upright to dry, so that the water on them can drip down quickly and dry in the sun that is not particularly strong until it is very dry.
Water-writing cloth is a kind of painting and calligraphy art supplies that can be used to practice brush calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, and children's graffiti painting after writing on its surface with a brush dipped in clear water, and can be written again after being dried. It is mainly made of cloth; According to the principle that coatings are transparent when exposed to water; With black cloth as the medium, the surface is coated with a layer of environmentally-friendly white paint treated by special technology, which has the effect of being transparent when it meets water. The main component of paint is silicon dioxide, which is the main component of sand and the main raw material for making water cups. Transparency in contact with water is mainly the physical principle of light reflection.