Tou qi suo Hao calligraphy

Wang Dao's great-great-grandson Wang Sengqian was a favorite of the kings of the two dynasties. One of the reasons why he was appreciated by two generations of kings was that he was very good at sizing up the situation and could see through the monarch's mind. Another reason is that he is honest and not afraid of death. Many people may not know Wang Sengqian, but the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi should be known to everyone. Wang Xizhi was the ancestor of Wang Sengqian, so he was probably influenced by Wang Xizhi, and Wang Sengqian also wrote a good hand. At that time, the monarch praised Wang Sengqian's calligraphy better than Wang Xizhi's, which shows that Wang Sengqian's literary accomplishment is very high.

One of the reasons why Wang Sengqian was favored by the two monarchs was that he could assess the situation, understand the monarch's thoughts and make correct countermeasures. Wang Sengqian's fame is so high that it will naturally attract the attention of the monarch. Emperor Wu of song once invited Wang Sengqian to dinner, in order to kill Wang Sengqian down a peg or two. Wang Sengqian saw the situation clearly, and wisely left a handle, in order to eliminate the filial piety of emperor wudi's doubts about himself. Although Wang Sengqian is an official of North Korea, it is wise to stay indoors at ordinary times and not make friends with North Korean officials.

In addition to sizing up the situation, Wang Sengqian's moral character is also very noble. He is not a gangster who is afraid of death. Although he is active in the officialdom and gives advice to the country, other than that, he doesn't like to show his face and doesn't make friends with powerful people. He studies and practices calligraphy in his own home, which is unusual for ordinary people. Wang Sengqian treats his nephew as if he were his own son. It is because of his noble character that he can be valued by the two monarchs.

Wang Sengqian was able to become a favorite of the two monarchs because of the above two points. One of the reasons is that this person is very talented and modest, does not show his face easily, and knows how to restrain his sharpness. The second reason is that he is virtuous, not afraid of death, and willing to sacrifice his career for the safety of his nephew. Because of these two qualities, Wang Sengqian was favored by two kings.