First, it is difficult to use a pen.
Wang Xizhi said in On Books: "All books can be called books if they are ten late and five urgent, ten curved and five straight, ten hidden and five out, and fifteen volts." Usually, "late" means "calm" and "urgent" means "ready to go"; "Qu" stands for "change" and "straight" stands for "rigidity"; "Hiding" means "muddy success" and "leaving" means "cool"; "Rising" means "agile" and "V" means "steady". However, these are not absolute and cannot be copied mechanically. Different situations should be treated differently. Therefore, we should combine these opposing elements into a harmonious contradictory unity, so as to make its calligraphy lines rich and colorful. In short, learning to use a pen is equivalent to learning to walk. Only when you can master the brush skillfully can you write as you want and wherever you want.
Second, the difficulty lies in the structure.
Wang Xizhi (after the title of Mrs. Wei's "Pen Chen Tu") said: "If it is straight and shaped like a symbol, it is integrated from top to bottom and flush from front to back, it is not a book, but it is worth mentioning." Here, straightness, similarity, calculation, square and flatness are explained from different angles, and only the same and unchanging characters are not calligraphy. What is calligraphy? Calligraphy is art, and art should be expressed everywhere in calligraphy. Pay attention to contrast and change in form, and pay attention to spirit and charm in connotation. Therefore, contrast and change are the foundation of calligraphy, and charm is the soul of calligraphy. Its shape is outside, its taste is inside, its shape is visible and its taste can be tasted. It is not difficult to be similar in appearance, but it is not so easy to be similar in spirit and taste. The two good people can be described as both form and spirit.
Third, the difficulty lies in the ink method.
I understand that using ink is very simple, just like eating, eating-digesting-eating-digesting, that is, dipping in ink-writing-dipping in ink-writing again.
Fourth, the difficulty lies in composition.
Composition is also called "line drawing", which means "layout". The content of the whole work is line drawing, such as word spacing, line spacing, line size, style and blank space between heaven and earth.
Fifth, the difficulty lies in artistic conception.
Artistic conception is that the calligrapher injects the emotion of calligraphy into the pen, expresses the meaning in his chest with the image of calligraphy, and allows readers to appreciate the rich connotation of calligraphy works, from which they can get insight, enlightenment and nourishment. Artistic conception is the embodiment of culture, and its expression method is simply the coexistence of virtual reality, virtual reality and virtual reality.
Sixth, the difficulty lies in unification.
Calligraphy is a unique art composed of strokes, structure, composition, artistic conception and other elements, which is completed by pen and ink. If you want to write a good work, you must comprehensively unify technology, thought and culture.
Calligraphy is a university question, and there is a profound difference between writing a good hand and writing a good hand. The following suggestions are for basic reference.
First of all, start with regular script.
"Standing is like this, walking is like this, and grass is like this." It means regular script, running script, cursive script. Regular script is a model, which means clear stippling, symmetrical collocation, square shape and well-behaved, and is suitable for beginners. "Regular script is established, but it is a running script. The running script is established, but it is a cursive script. " Beginners who bypass regular script and learn calligraphy or cursive script directly are prone to some disadvantages, such as irregular stippling, inflexible brushwork, uneven density, unstable structure and inappropriate proportion.
Two. Brief introduction of Tang Kai
"Beginner distribution, but seeking justice; Knowing that justice is right, we must pursue danger; It can save the day and return to justice. " Tang Jie's method is strict, most upright and formal.
Ou Yangxun's Inscription on Jiuchenggong Liquan, Yan Zhenqing's Many Pagodas Monument and Liu Gongquan's Mysterious Pagodas Monument, etc. , with durability, can be introduced within six months to one year.
Third, write
Reference reality: if the tightness is appropriate, it will be stiff and easy to fatigue and shake. If it is too loose, stippling will be weak.
Palm deficiency: there should be a gap between fingers and palms, between thumb and forefinger, and you can't hold it hard.
Wrist flat and palm vertical: the plane between the upper two joints of the wrist is roughly parallel to the desktop. If the wrist is lower than the palm, the palm will stand up. Wrist strength is important in writing. If you don't sit and write with your elbows, your stippling may be weak. Writing in the hand, writing in the wrist, writing is realistic, writing is alive. When holding a pen, the left and right joints of the wrist are constantly changing up and down.
Upright: sit up straight, stand naturally, and punch away from the table. When the right hand writes, the left hand presses on the paper to balance the strength.
Safety of feet: when writing, your feet are slightly open, shoulder width apart, and flat on the ground to keep your body stable.
Fourth, the wrist
When writing between fingers, fingers are connected to wrists and wrists are connected to elbows. In order to move the pen flexibly, fingers, wrists and elbows must cooperate with each other, and the key lies in the movement of wrists.
Wrist: that is, the wrist is attached to the desktop to write. Touching the wrist prevents the pen from moving because the wrist is in contact with the desktop. You can use it when writing small fonts, but it is not suitable when writing large fonts.
Wrist pillow: it is to write under the right wrist with the left hand pad.
Wrist lifting: that is, putting your elbow on the table and lifting your wrist, which is the most common wrist method for sitting and writing Chinese characters.
Wrist hanging: when writing, it is called wrist hanging if the wrist is not placed on the desktop. To write big characters, you must hang your wrist so that you can reach the paper from your shoulder.
Five, the basis of writing skills
1, vertical bar
2, horizontal pen
Six, stippling basis
1, skimming front method
2. Horizontal Tibetan Front Method
3. Zangtou acupoint method
4. Tibetan front method.
5. There is a difference between hanging needles and hanging dew. If the lower part of the pen is exposed, it will be said that the dripping part is as sharp as a needle, which is called hanging a needle.
6. The hook changes the most, and the most basic ones are left hook and right hook.
After learning left hook and right hook, you can further learn lion's mouth, phoenix wing, Bao Gai, Long Wei, Zhi Ge and Heng Ge.
Seven, Lin Tie
1. Look at the stickers: Before copying, carefully consider the words, strokes, structure and composition of the stickers to find out the rules.
2. Linyi: Perseverance. Repeated comparison, copying difficult words.
3. Back: At a certain stage, you can write the words on the post without looking.
4. Paste: Compare the words written on the back with the words pasted. Find mistakes, find shortcomings, tackle key problems repeatedly, and have the same spirit.
5. reposting: after the above stages, start practicing other copybooks. At this time, you can try to copy directly without copying.