Xu Shao's second son is Xu Shiyu. Xu was brilliant and had a high level of literature and art. He was the prime minister of Zuo Jinshi and Longshuo. Li Zhi once personally wrote a few words to the soldiers who conquered Liaodong, and told Xu that Xu also liked calligraphy, so he could show it to him. Xu had a son named Xu Ziran, who was appointed as the deputy envoy of the imperial court and was in charge of all kinds of affairs. Xu Ziran once went out hunting and trampled on the crops of ordinary people. Ordinary people are not vegetarians, and they call names. Xu Ziran not only does not compensate or apologize, but even slaps people with cymbals. After Xu Shiyu knew it, he hit Xu Ziran one hundred times, but he didn't report to Li Zhi. People who don't want to be trampled on the ground have a firm attitude and go to the judicial department to sue Xu Ziran. When the judicial department saw that it was a prime minister's case, it didn't matter much and it didn't deal with it. After Xu knew this, he instructed Xitai Xieren Yuan Pai people to report Xu anonymously. Why did Xu Jingzong engage in Xu Shiyu? Because both of them are prime ministers, both have literary talent, and their peers are enemies. Yuan is an expert on informers. When Li Zhi deposed the Queen, Pei Xingjian secretly discussed with Wuji Chu Suiliang how to stop this matter, and tipped off his mother, Mrs. Yang. As a result, Pei Xingjian was sent to Khufu Anxi.
Li Zhi said that Xu Shiyu, as prime minister, let his son invade the people without reporting. This is a typical bullying. However, Xu Shiyu denied the accusation and argued with Li Zhi. I have nothing to hide about my loyalty to you. I was falsely accused and framed just because I can't engage in relationships. As for dominating others' opinions, I can't accept it. The people who rule this country are either armed to the teeth or in important towns. I'm just a civil servant. I usually behave with my tail between my legs. How dare I dominate the country? Li Zhi was furious. I can't accept your guilty attitude. You hate yourself for not being in charge of the army. Of course, Xu will not miss this opportunity to mend the knife. People and ministers are so guilty. Xu was dismissed, and it took a long time to be placed in Xiangzhou as a secretariat. When Xu arrived in Xiangzhou, he was lenient with others, and some of his men took bribes. Xu could not bear to codify them into law, but only gave him a roll of innocent proverbs to learn, which made him feel ashamed and more honest.
Xu lived in Anlu after retirement, and his son Xu just happened to catch up with Wu Zhou's usurpation of the Tang Dynasty, so he did not come out as an official and has been living in Anlu in seclusion. In the fifteenth year of Kaiyuan, 27-year-old Li Bai went to Anlu with his sword. Xu was impressed by Li Bai's heroism and literary talent, so he married his daughter. Xu Siwen recruited Li Bai as his son-in-law, hoping that Li Bai could get on the stage and make the Xu family shine again. I didn't expect Li Bai to be an official because of his birth and personality. Although Xu's previous contacts have found him a lot of connections, mud and sand can't help the wall. A few years later, Xu Ziyan died young, Li Bai and his two children drifted again, and the Xu family's dream of being an official was dashed.