A famous scholar, brilliant, knowledgeable and charming, is a group of wives and concubines. At the age of 80, he still insisted on punching in the eight hutongs in the red light district at that time every day to guide and comfort women who had slipped. Ji Xiaolan, with iron teeth and copper teeth, is often amused by the glib Ji Dayan and the baby. In the TV series, both of them are shelled peanuts in front of Qianlong-red people, and both sides have equal status, and no one can bring down anyone.
The most important positions are the chief college student in the cabinet and the head minister of military aircraft. He also served as an official minister, an industrial minister, an industrial minister and an industrial minister. He also served as head of the Office of the Interior, bachelor of imperial academy, editor-in-chief of Sikuquanshu, minister in charge of the Guards, and step army. He was elected to Jishi Shu, imperial academy, and served as adviser to Zuodu Imperial History, minister of war, minister of justice and assistant to university students. He studied Confucianism all his life, read widely, devoted himself to poetry and parallel prose, and was good at textual research and exegesis. He is the editor-in-chief of Siku Quanshu. evening
Ministry of War history, left deputy suggestion, was promoted from a bachelor of cabinet to a co-host university, and Si Ku Quan Shu always usurped the official position, so the prince kept a job in imperial academy. Several important official positions, such as the official department minister, the co-organizer of the university, and the prince of Shaobao, were all held after Jiaqing ascended the throne, and
Many of us think that Ji Xiaolan's official position in the Qianlong Dynasty should be similar to that of Small Shenyang, at least it can contain Small Shenyang. But in fact, their rank is not bad at all. Ji Xiaolan served as the minister of justice, the minister of war and the suggestion of the left deputy envoy.