Born in 1592, died in 1652, and was born in Jin Meng, Henan. Calligraphers in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The word Juesi, a word Juezhi, is called Qiao Song and Shiqiao. Starting from tomorrow, I will be a scholar, tired of officials and ministers, and a university student in Dongting. The official ministers of the Qing dynasty were ministers of rites. He died in Wen 'an. The works are true, with lines and cursive script. Thanks to Zhong You, Wang Xianzhi, Yan Zhenqing and Mi Fei, they are vigorous and good at layout. Liang commented that "the book should be written, learn from Minnan Gong, be old and strong, and win with strength." The History of Silent Poetry written by Jiang Shaoshu in Qing Dynasty is called "Father and Son (Wang Xizhi,) Caoshu", and the official book is Zhong. Although he is a model of Zhong and Wang, he can be confident. "In fact, there is the wind of everyone in the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, Dong Qichang's calligraphy style was popular in the book world, and Wang Duo, Huang Daozhou, Ni, Fu Shan and others advocated learning from the ancients, which was unique in the current book style. Modern times had a great influence on the style of Japanese national books. There are many books in the world, including "Sending a Mountain Garden" and "Sending a Lang Hua Ting". There is "Biography of the Draft of Qing Dynasty" (volume 79). Wang Wei's Five-character Poetry Volume was written in the sixteenth year of Chongzhen (1643), and it was written in silk, regular script and cursive script. A total of 32 lines, regular script 13 lines, cursive script 19 lines, each with different characters. Longitudinal 2 1 cm, transverse 165.5 cm. It's in the Palace Museum. In calligraphy, Wang Duo is a versatile calligrapher with diverse styles. Whether it is the bold block letters, the simple block letters or his soaring cursive script, it should be said that they are all first-class in the late Ming Dynasty. Authentic texts are rare in Wang Duo's works, which originated in the Tang Dynasty. The first half of this poem, whether in size, structure, calligraphy and painting, and spacing, gives people a strange feeling. The cursive script in the second half of the poem volume is not uncommon in Wang Duo's works, with rich composition changes, strong sense of integrity, unpredictable structure, complicated stippling and dry lines, so its achievements are highly respected.
In the first year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty, Wang Duo built Lin Yuan Villa at the northern foot of Rong Ruo. Zhunshan Garden is a collection of Lin Yuan architecture, pavilions, winding cloisters, exotic flowers and plants, exquisite layout and originality. Wang Duo's favorite bamboo, phoenix tree, plum blossom and vine are planted in the park. He also named these landscapes himself. At that time, the famous mountain garden was famous in Zhongzhou, and its reputation lasted for a long time.