It is said that on one occasion, Wang Xizhi saw an old woman carrying a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans in a collection to sell fans, and she never sold them. She went up to her and said, "Of course, you can't sell this bamboo fan because there are no pictures or words on it. How about I write an inscription for you? "
Wang Xizhi took a pen and wrote five words on each fan. He gave it back to the old woman, who couldn't read, and felt that it was scribbled and unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry, tell the person who bought the fan that this was written by Wang Youjun." As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. When people in the collection saw that it was really Wang Youjun's calligraphy, they all rushed to buy it, and a bamboo fan sold out immediately.
2. Make up Spring Festival couplets skillfully
Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher, personally writes Spring Festival couplets and posts them on the door every New Year's Eve, because his handwriting is called "the best running script in the world", which many people want and it is rare.
This year, New Year's Eve came again, and Wang Xizhi still wrote the Spring Festival couplets of "double happiness, double misfortune", leaving the second half. People who want to steal couplets are disappointed when they see these eight words. When he arrived in Yin Shi, Wang Xizhi made up the second half and became "be in heaven, the rain cleared up last night." Early the next morning, people who wanted to steal Spring Festival couplets were amazed and applauded.
3. Wang Xizhi's book bamboo fan
Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was born in the gentry, and with his outstanding talent, all the ministers in the court recommended him to be an official. He is the secretariat and general of the right army (people also call him Wang Youjun).
Wang Xizhi loved writing since he was a child. It is said that when I usually walk, I also practice writing with my fingers at any time. After a long time, even the clothes were cut. After studying hard and practicing hard, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy became more and more famous. People at that time regarded his calligraphy as a treasure.
It is said that once, Wang Xizhi went to a village. An old woman went to a charity sale with a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans. That kind of bamboo fan is very simple, without any decoration, which can't attract the interest of passers-by. It seems that it can't be sold, and the old woman is very anxious.
Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi felt sorry for the old woman, so he went up to her and said, "You can't sell this bamboo fan because there are no pictures or words on it." How about I write an inscription for you? "
The old woman doesn't know Wang Xizhi. Seeing his enthusiasm, she wrote him a bamboo fan.
Wang Xizhi took a pen, wrote five words on each fan and gave them back to the old woman. The old woman can't read, and she feels that his handwriting is scrawled, so she is very unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry. You told the fan buyer that it was written by Wang Youjun. "
As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. Collectors rushed to buy Wang Youjun's calligraphy after seeing it. A basket of bamboo fans soon sold out.