The ten sages in ancient China are: Confucius, the sage, Mencius, the sage, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, Su Shi, the sage of poetry, Du Kang, the sage of wine, Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy, Wu Daozi, the sage of painting, Zhang Zhongjing, the sage of medicine, Sun Simiao, the sage of medicine, Tea Saint Lu Yu. "Sheng" was first seen in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. Its glyph is a human figure with ears and sometimes a mouth added. Its original meaning is close to "Cong", which refers to sharp hearing. It is extended to refer to people who are proficient in certain knowledge or skills and have achieved extremely high achievements. It is also extended to refer to sacred things. It is also used to praise things related to emperors. Therefore, generally people who can be called saints are those who have great achievements in a certain field. Achievement One: The Achievements of Saints
Those who can be called saints are powerful figures. Through books, we can get a glimpse of their achievements and glory in that era, like Confucius, the founder of Confucianism , after the Han Dynasty, Confucianism gradually became the orthodoxy of Chinese feudal culture and had a great influence. Like Du Fu, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of my country. He wrote many poems reflecting social contradictions and real life throughout his life, which are still sung today. Like Dukang, Du Kang is the "ancestor of winemaking" in Chinese history. There are written records as follows: Tayi wine, Zuzi wine; Baizhi wine can only cure diseases. So drink all day long. Even Cao Cao said that Du Kang was the only one who could relieve his worries. Their achievements have left a profound mark on our Chinese culture. 2: The spirit of a saint
It can be summed up as follows: sense of responsibility, selfless spirit, selfless dedication, compassion and fraternity. If a person possesses these four items, he is not an ordinary person, but a sage and a saint. We can see that the Ten Saints all have such excellent qualities, which are worth learning from. When a person can possess these beautiful qualities, then there is no doubt that he is a successful person. Three: My favorite saint
I like Sun Simiao the most. He called himself Sun Zhenren and was a great medical scientist in the Sui and Tang dynasties. His book "Qian Jin Yao Prescriptions" is my country's earliest medical encyclopedia. From basic theory to clinical subjects, it is complete with theories, methods, prescriptions and medicines. It is a treasure of traditional Chinese medicine worth thousands of dollars. Therefore, later generations call him "King of Medicine", "Real Person", and "Sage of Medicine". ?