Sheep: (the year of birth and death to be tested), Taishan people (now Taian, Shandong Province). Famous officials in Jin dynasty
The father is a sheep, and the official is too vulgar. Brother Jin Yang, the right servant of Shangshu.
Yang Xiu worked for the county, participated in the military affairs of Xizhong Society in the town, and left Pingshu. And will rebel, you bitter remonstrance, also, give the duke guan hou. You are knowledgeable and seldom know Emperor Wu, and you are very close to each other. Every time I receive a banquet, I taste the emperor and say, "If you are rich, you can take care of it for ten years." The emperor made a play and agreed.
At the beginning, the emperor was not made a prince, but his voice was not as good as his brother's. Emperor Wen of Jin always emphasized the thought of You, which has been discussed from generation to generation. The secret painting of sheep is very helpful to Prince Sima Yan. He also observed the gains and losses of Wendi's administration, and let Sima Yan know what he should consult. Later, Emperor Wen of Jin and Sima Yan talked about the world and whether it was possible. Sima Yan answered all the questions, so he decided to keep this place. Sima Yan was an ambush and ordered the sheep to join the army. After Sima Yan acceded to the throne, he was named General Zuo Wei and appointed as an official of Ganlu Pavilion. After Sima Yan became Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, he moved to China to protect the army and rode an ordinary servant.
Yang xian reigned for thirteen years, forbidden soldiers, kept secret, and was very fond of him. At the beginning, Du Yu bowed to General Zhennan and greeted the officials, who were all sitting on the couch. You and Sister Pei came back and said, "Du Yuankai is sitting on the sofa again?" So he left without sitting. There is no limit to the cost of luxury, but it is expensive and salty to warm wine with bread crumbs and animal shapes.
The sheep like to hold another feast, which lasts from night to day. Five relatives at home and abroad, regardless of gender, are laughed at. But the party is eager for success, and all it pushes is dedication. The poor and the embarrassed are especially compassionate. Choose the best first, not the second best. Some soldiers hold official positions, and they pay homage to them at the cost of their lives.
But sheep always break the law at will, and every company lends them money. Later, Liu Yi, a captain who was transferred to an official position, was severely punished, and Emperor Wu of Jin was relieved of his official position with old feelings. Looking for a white-collar worker to protect the army. After a while, resume your post. The king of Qi went out of the city, and the sheep moved to the left in protest. Since he fell out of favor and was resented, he became ill and sought a way out.
After the sheep, he was granted a special entrance, and he was also the first pawn. Emperor Wu of Jin sent a letter in his hand, which read: "You and I are close, loyal and prosperous. Unfortunately, I am very sorry for my early death. He was posthumously awarded as the general of the auxiliary country, the three departments of Kaifu Yitong, and the East Garden as hidden weapons. It was taken in court and cost 300,000 yuan, cloth 100. " Give posthumous title "power".