A collection of short stories about ancient humorous dialogues

A scholar teaches his son. Once upon a time, there was a scholar whose son was very stupid. However, the scholar loved to save face and was also very poor. Once, the scholar's relatives came to visit his home. So the scholar taught his son: "When guests come, you must speak politely and appear knowledgeable. If the guest asks about the tree in front of your house, say it is not ready to sell. If the guest asks about the rockery behind your house, say If people look at our granary, they will say that it was all earned by our parents’ hard work. If a guest asks about the scholar’s ??certificate on the wall, they will say that every generation of our family has to produce it. One. So he asked his son to memorize these questions for three days. When the guests came, the scholar asked his son to entertain the guests alone, and he hid. He replied in turn, "It's not a good year, so I sold it." The guest was surprised and asked, "Where is your mother? She was buried in the ground due to the chaos of war." When the guest saw that he was talking nonsense, he pointed at the cow dung and said, "It's not small, but it's a pity that it's cow dung." "The son hurriedly said that these were all earned by his parents' hard work. The guest couldn't bear it anymore and asked, are you the son of a scholar? Why are you so stupid? The son of the scholar hurriedly said, "What's wrong with every generation in our family?" There must be one. Humorous Story Historical Allusion During the Sui Dynasty, there was a man who was very intelligent but had a natural flaw - a stutter. Whenever he was bored, he summoned him to have fun one year in the twelfth lunar month. , Yang Su and this man were sitting around in the house. Yang Suxi asked: "There is such a big pit, one foot deep and one foot wide. If you are put in it, how can you get out?" "The man lowered his head and thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and asked: "The pit...is there...a ladder in the pit? Yang Su said: "Of course there is no ladder. If there is a ladder, do I still need to ask you?" The man lowered his head and thought for a long time, and asked: "Bai...Bai...Bai...During the day?" Or night... night... night... night... night? Yang Su said impatiently: "What do you care about day and night?" I asked you if there is any way out? The man asked back: "If it wasn't...at night, and my eyes were...not blind, why did I fall...into the pit?" " Yang Su couldn't stop laughing after hearing this. Yang Su asked him again: "Suppose I suddenly order you to be an officer and guard a small city. You have no more than a thousand soldiers and only enough food for a few days. There are thousands outside the city. Surrounded by thousands of enemy troops. As the city's coach, do you have any plans to defend the city? The man lowered his head for a long time and asked: "Are there... any reinforcements... reinforcements?" Yang Su replied: "It is because there are no reinforcements that I ask you?" The man pondered again for a long time, raised his head and said to Yang Su: "Sincerity... As you say, failure is inevitable." Yang Su laughed again. Then, Yang Su asked again: "It seems that you are very smart and capable. None of the questions I asked can trouble you." Now let me ask you something: Someone at home was bitten on the foot by a snake today. How do you think he should be treated? The man replied: "Take snow on the south wall on May 5th...snow...smear...smear it...and it will be cured." Yang Su asked: "Where can there be snow in May?" The man smiled and asked: "Since there is no... no snow... snow in May, then... where are there snake bites in the twelfth lunar month?" "After hearing this, Yang Su laughed so hard that he sent the man away. In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, when He Zhizhang begged for Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, He Zhizhang, a well-known secretary, wrote to the court and wanted to retire and return to his hometown of Wuzhong. Xuanzong Li Longji, He respected him very much and treated him differently than others. When He Zhizhang said goodbye to Tang Xuanzong, he couldn't help but burst into tears. Tang Xuanzong asked him what else he wanted. It is an honor for an old minister to return home. "Xuanzong said: "Faith is the way, and Fu is a person of faith. Your son should be named Fu." Zhizhang thanked him for his appointment. After a long time, Zhizhang realized something unexpectedly and thought to himself: "The emperor is making fun of me too much. I am from Wu, and the word 'Fu' is the word '子' added under the word '.' He named my son." "Fu', don't you call me my son's paw?" I don't know what poetry is. Ai Zi likes to write poetry. One day, Ai Zi wandered between Qi and Wei and stayed at a hotel. At night, he heard something coming from the neighbor's house: "A song." After a while, he said: "Another song." Ai Zi was confused, felt no sleepiness at all, and had no sleep all night. Lying there until dawn, I heard the man in the neighboring house say about six or seven times, that is, six or seven songs. Ai Zi thought that the man in the neighbor's house must be a poet. He was concentrating on reciting poems in the quiet moonlit night. He felt respected in his heart, and he loved the man's quick thinking, so he decided to get acquainted with him. Early in the morning, Ai Zi got out of bed, put on her clothes, straightened her crown and belt, and stood at the door to greet her.

After a while, a vendor walked out of the neighboring house. He was thin and looked sick. Ai Zi felt very disappointed and thought: With this dignity, how can he look like a poet? Perhaps, people should not be judged by their appearance, nor can they be judged blindly. Then he stepped forward and asked, "I heard that Mr. Wang has many poems. Can you let me read them as a student?" The man said, "I am a businessman and I never know what poetry is." He always refused to take it. Ai Zi, who wrote the poem, said stubbornly: "Last night I heard you saying 'one song' in the house, and then saying 'one song' a little while later. Isn't that poetry?" After hearing this, the man burst into laughter: " You misunderstood. I had a bad stomach last night. Every time I had diarrhea, I couldn't find toilet paper, so I wiped my hands with my hands. I had diarrhea almost six or seven times. '." Ai Zi was ashamed after hearing this. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Su Shi is difficult for Jinggong Su Shi, a great writer in the Song Dynasty, was named Dongpo. He often studied the meaning of words with Wang Jinggong (Anshi). Once, Dongpo asked Wang Jinggong the meaning of the word "po". Wang Anshi explained: "The word 'po' refers to the 'skin' of 'soil'." After hearing this, Dongpo disagreed and asked: "According to this, the word 'slip' is the 'bone' of 'water' ?" Wang Anshi was speechless for a long time after hearing this. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- I don’t know who the hard work is for. Su Dongpo, courtesy name Zizhan, when he was the prefect of Hangzhou, he often met with the poet monk Foyin meditates and sings harmony, and the two of them are the most friendly. Dongpo likes to roast pig. When the monk Foyin lived in Jinshan Temple, he often prepared roasted pigs for Dongpo to eat. One day, Su Dongpo came to Jinshan Temple again, but the roasted pig made by Foyin was eaten by others. Foyin was very unhappy. Su Dongpo wrote a game poem to comfort the Buddha's seal: The distant uncle sells wine and drinks Tao Qian, while the Buddha's seal roasts pigs for his son to see; After gathering hundreds of flowers and turning them into honey, I don't know whose hard work is sweet. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Why Su Dongpo went to the home of He Xiucai one day when he was the deputy envoy of the regiment training in Huangzhou. Dinner together. The oil fruit made by the He family was very crisp and delicious. While eating it, Su Dongpo asked: "What is the name of this kind of oil fruit?" The owner replied that he had not named it yet. Dongpo asked again: "Why?" (Why is it so crispy?) All the guests in the audience said: "The three words you mentioned 'Why is it so crispy' can be used as its name." Also, Chief Pan knew Su Dongpo Dongpo was not allowed to drink alcohol, so every time Dongpo came to a banquet, he would specially prepare some low-alcohol sweet wine for him. Su Dongpo drank it and joked with a smile: "This wine must have been boiled in the wrong water." One day, Su Dongpo suddenly had a whim and wanted to eat avocado, so he wrote a short poem to ask for it from He Xiucai: Drinking in the wild before the flowers, there is nothing. , only a gourd is tied around the waist; the panzi has been poured into the boiling water, and it is even more crispy in Jun's house. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Su Dongpo and Jiang Zhizhi, both of whom are medicine names, attended a friend's banquet and sat at the same table. During the banquet, Jiang Zhizhi first gave a drinking order: "Everyone here should give a name for the medicine." Then he pointed at Dongpo and said, "You are the name of the medicine." But he had a natural flaw - stuttering. Whenever Yang Su, the Duke of Yue, was bored, he would call him to have fun. One year in the twelfth lunar month, Yang Su sat with this man in his house.

Yang Suxi asked: "There is such a big pit, one foot deep and one foot wide. If you are put in it, how can you get out?" The man lowered his head and thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head. Asked: "The pit...is there...a ladder in the pit?" Yang Su said, "Of course there is no ladder. If there is a ladder, do I still need to ask you?" The man lowered his head and thought for a long time and asked : "White...white...white...day? Or night...night...night...night...night?" Yang Su said impatiently: "What does it matter whether it's day or night? I ask you if there is a way out? "The man asked back: "If it wasn't... at night, and his eyes were... not blind, why did he fall... into the pit?" Yang Su couldn't stop laughing after hearing this. Yang Su asked him again: "Suppose I suddenly order you to be an officer and guard a small city. You have no more than a thousand soldiers and only enough food for a few days. There are tens of thousands of enemy troops surrounding the city. As the commander-in-chief of the city, you will Is there any plan to defend the city?" The man lowered his head for a long time and asked, "Are there... any reinforcements?" Yang Su replied, "That's why I asked you." After pondering for a long time, he raised his head and said to Yang Su: "Sincerity... As you say, failure is inevitable." Yang Su laughed again. Then, Yang Su asked again: "It seems that you are very smart and capable, and the questions I asked are not difficult for you. Now let me ask you something: Someone in the family was bitten by a snake today. How do you think it should be treated?" "The man replied: "If it snows on the south wall on May 5th... it will snow... and it will be cured immediately." Yang Su asked: "Where can there be snow in May?" The man smiled and asked: "Since there is no... no snow... snow in May, then... where are the snake bites in the twelfth lunar month?" After hearing this, Yang Su laughed so hard that she sent the man away. He Zhizhang begged for his name. In the early years of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao reign in the Tang Dynasty, He Zhizhang, a well-known secretary, wrote to the court and wanted to retire and become an official and return to his hometown of Wuzhong. Xuanzong Li Longji respected him very much and treated him differently from others. Before leaving, He Zhizhang couldn't help crying when he said goodbye to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Tang Xuanzong asked him what else he wanted. Zhizhang said: I know there is a dog who has not yet been named. If your Majesty gives him a name, it will be an honor for an old minister to return home. Xuanzong said: "Faith is the foundation of the Tao, and those who are prosperous are also trustworthy." Qing's son should be named Fu. "Zhizhang thanked me for the order. After a long time, Zhizhang realized it and thought to himself: "The emperor is making fun of me too much. I am from Wu, and the word "Fu" is the word "子" added under the word "". He named my son "Fu". Doesn't he call my son "paw"? " I don't know what poetry is. Ai Zi likes to compose poems. One day, Ai Zi wandered between Qi and Wei and stayed in a hotel. At night, he heard something in the neighbor's house: "A poem. "After a while, he said: "Another song. "Ai Zi was confused. He felt no sleepiness at all and had no sleep all night. Lying until dawn, he heard the man in the neighboring house say about six or seven times, that is, six or seven poems. Ai Zi thought that the man in the neighboring house must be a poet. , I was concentrating on reciting poems in the quiet moonlit night, and I felt respected in my heart. I also liked the man's quick thinking, so I decided to get acquainted with him. Early in the morning, Ai Zi got out of bed, straightened her crown and belt, and stood at the door to greet him. After a while, a merchant walked out of the neighboring house. He was thin and looked sick. Ai Zi felt very disappointed and thought: With his appearance, he doesn't look like a poet. Blindly guessing, he stepped forward and asked, "I heard that Sir has many poems. Can you let me read them?" The man said, "I am a businessman and I never know what poetry is." Ai Zi, who always refused to take out the poem, said stubbornly: "Last night I heard you saying 'one song' in the house, and then you said 'one song' a little while later. Isn't that poetry?" After hearing this, the man burst out laughing and said, "You misunderstood." I had a bad stomach last night. Every time I had diarrhea, I couldn't find toilet paper at night, so I wiped it with my hands. I had diarrhea all night and soiled my hands almost six or seven times. The ‘hand’ I am talking about is not the ‘head’ of the psalm. "Ai Zi was so ashamed after hearing this. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Su Shi is difficult for Jin Gong. Su Shi, the great writer of the Song Dynasty, was named Dong. Po. He often studied the meaning of the word with Wang Jinggong (Anshi). Once, Dongpo asked Wang Jinggong the meaning of the word "po". Wang Anshi explained: "'Po' is the 'skin' of 'tu'." After hearing this, Dongpo disagreed and asked: "According to this, does the word 'Hua' mean the 'bone' of 'water'?" "Wang Anshi was speechless for a long time when he heard this.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- I don't know who the hard work is for. Su Dongpo, courtesy name Zizhan, when he was the prefect of Hangzhou, he often met with the poet monk Foyin meditates and sings harmony, and the two of them are the most friendly. Dongpo likes to roast pig. When the monk Foyin lived in Jinshan Temple, he often prepared roasted pigs for Dongpo to eat. One day, Su Dongpo came to Jinshan Temple again, and the roast pig made by Foyin was eaten by others. Foyin was very unhappy. Su Dongpo wrote a game poem to comfort the Buddha's seal: The distant prince sells wine and drinks Tao Qian, while the Buddha's seal roasts pigs for his son to see; After gathering hundreds of flowers and turning them into honey, I don't know whose hard work is sweet. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Why Su Dongpo went to the home of He Xiucai one day when he was the deputy envoy of the regiment training in Huangzhou. Dinner together. The oil fruit made by the He family was very crisp and delicious. While eating it, Su Dongpo asked: "What is the name of this kind of oil fruit?" The owner replied that he had not named it yet. Dongpo asked again: "Why?" (Why is it so crispy?) All the guests in the audience said: "The three words you mentioned 'Why is it so crispy' can be used as its name." Also, Chief Pan knew Su Dongpo Dongpo was not allowed to drink alcohol, so every time Dongpo came to a banquet, he would specially prepare some low-alcohol sweet wine for him. Su Dongpo drank it and joked with a smile: "This wine must have been boiled in the wrong water." One day, Su Dongpo suddenly had a whim and wanted to eat avocado, so he wrote a short poem to ask for it from He Xiucai: Drinking in the wild before the flowers, there is nothing. , only a gourd is tied around the waist; I have poured the panzi into boiling water, and I find it is very crispy at Jun's house. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Both Su Dongpo and Jiang Zhizhi attended a friend's banquet and sat at the same table. During the dinner, Jiang Zhizhi first gave a drinking order: "Everyone here should give a name for the medicine." Then he pointed at Dongpo and said, "You are the name of the medicine." Dongpo was confused and asked for advice quickly. Jiang Zhizhi said: "Zisuzi." Dongpo said to him casually: "You are also a medicine name. If it is not Pinellia ternata, it must be Magnolia officinalis." Jiang Zhizhi was puzzled for a while and asked Dongpo what it meant. statement. Dongpo smiled and told him: "Instead of Pinellia ternata and Magnolia officinalis, why not make it from ginger?" ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Word Game Su Dongpo heard that Wang Jinggong's "Word Theory" had just been completed, and went to Jinggong to congratulate him. He joked: "The masterpiece says: 'Bamboo' whips' horse' as 'du'. But I There is another question: "I wonder if you can whip a dog with bamboo, what's so funny about it?" Duke Jing laughed and did not answer, but asked: "The word 'jiu' comes from 'nine', which means 'bird'. Is there any evidence?" " Dongpo immediately answered: "The Book of Songs says: 'The corpse dove is in the mulberry tree, and its sons are seven.' Including their parents, there are exactly nine. " Wang Jinggong listened and nodded happily. After a long time, he realized that Su Dongpo had played a big joke on him again. ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Three points of poems, seven points of reading Qin Shaozhang once told this story: The poet Guo Xiangzheng once passed by Hangzhou and gave a volume of poems he had written to Su Dongpo for appreciation. Before Su Dongpo could read the poems, he first expressed his enthusiasm. After reciting the poem, Dongpo asked for his opinion: "How would Xiangzheng rate these poems?" Dongpo said without hesitation: "Ten points." "Guo Xiangzheng was overjoyed and asked why he got ten points. Dongpo smiled and replied: "When you recited a poem just now, seven points came from reading and three points came from poetry. If not ten points, what else? ”------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Tax-free When Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou by the imperial court, he supervised the trade taxation work in Huangzhou.

A scholar wrote a letter to Dongpo, asking for tax relief for his family. The letter said: "There is no cargo on my ship, so I cannot pay taxes. Everything is subject to your command, sir. Please let me go to Jingnan Mansion to retrieve my late father's coffin." All the officials laughed when they saw it. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Well, Su Dongpo is forthright and forthright by nature, and the most trouble-free in his heart. He once said: " For example, if there are flies in your food, you will want to spit them out. "Chao Meishu (characterized by Chao Duanyan) said this to Dongpo every time he went to see him. On one occasion, Dongpo said to Uncle Mei: "I was selected by Zhaoling to serve in Xianke. At that time, the literary and intellectual leaders often became close friends. I summoned the ministers in the Bian Palace to plan countermeasures. Every time I directly stated the current affairs, I was praised by the emperor. Accepted. Soon, I repeatedly submitted Zhang Shu's comments. Although the emperor was never angry, who could give me the pertinent advice? , I'm just afraid that the court will kill me." Uncle Mei was speechless after hearing this. Dongpo sighed for a long time, and then said: "If the court really wants to kill me, what's the point of regretting my little life? It's just that if you kill me, it will make you better." The two laughed at each other. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- The scholar-poet Shi Manqing (characterized by Shi Yannian) was addicted to alcohol and had the talents of Li Banxian (Taibai). . Manqing behaved wildly and was good at talking humorously. Once, Shi Manqing rode a horse to visit Baoning Temple. The man leading the horse lost control for a moment, the horse frightened away, and Manqing accidentally fell from the horse and fell to the ground. The attendants quickly picked him up and put him on the saddle. Seeing this, pedestrians gathered around to watch, thinking that he would get angry and scold the centaur for a while. Unexpectedly, Shi Manqing slowly raised his riding whip and half-jokingly said to the horseman: "Fortunately, I am Shi Shi. If I were Wa, wouldn't I have been smashed to pieces long ago?" --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Huang Tingjian jokingly said to Su Shi: "The calligraphy of Wang Xizhi, the great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is jokingly called the calligraphy of changing geese; today's Han Zongru He is so greedy that every time he gets a piece of your calligraphy, he goes to the palace commander Yao Lin to exchange for ten pounds of meat. In this way, you can call your calligraphy a sheep-changing book." One day, Su Shi was busy writing in the Hanlin Academy. At that time, Han Zongru sent a letter to Su Shi in order to exchange his words for meat. The visitor was standing under the door, and the supervisor was in a hurry. Su Shi smiled and said to him: "Go back and tell your boss to stop eating meat today." -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- The old woman painted her face and Wang Meng, a native of Jin Dynasty, kept her promise and always treated guests with tea. People at the time jokingly called it "there will be a flood today". Su Dongpo once visited a house in his early years. The host was very hospitable and asked for tea over and over again. Dongpo was embarrassed and said to the host with a smile: "As the saying goes, the old lady paints her face." The host did not understand this - he applied (tea) and applied (tea) again. ). -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Become a thief first and then become an official. There was a big pirate in Fujian named Zheng Guang. He surrendered to the imperial court, and the imperial court granted him an official position. One time, Zheng Guang and his colleagues were drinking and composing poems together. After everyone started reciting poems, they all urged Zheng Guang to compose a poem. Zheng Guang was forced to have no choice but to chant randomly: "Regardless of whether it is a civil servant or a military officer, they are all average. You became an official and then a thief, but I, Zheng Guang, became a thief and then an official." After hearing this, everyone laughed. laughing out loud.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- When Pu Chuan of the Art of Prolonging Life was appointed as the governor of Hangzhou, one day, a magician came to pay him a visit. This alchemist is about ninety years old, but his face is as fresh as a baby's. Pu Chuanzheng entertained him happily, and the two talked very speculatively. Chuan Zheng then asked him for longevity longevity techniques. The alchemist replied: "My longevity technique is extremely simple and easy to perform. Basically, there is nothing taboo. There is only one thing that must be kept in mind, which must be forbidden." After hearing this, Chuanzheng bowed his head and pondered for a long time, and sighed: "If it is So what's the benefit of living over a thousand years?" ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Avoid saying the word "Luo" Liu Mian, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, had many taboos by nature. When he was taking the imperial examination in his early years, when the examinees were talking to him and some of them said the word "luo" without paying attention, they became angry and rude. If a servant accidentally committed the word "fall", he would beat him severely with a stick. Therefore, when servants spoke to him, they often said "well-being" instead of "well-being." On this day, he suddenly heard that the list of names had been posted, and he quickly sent his servant to see it. After a while, the servant ran back. Liu Mian hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and asked, "Is my name on the list?" The servant sighed and replied, "The scholar is well." ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Son-in-law During the Song Dynasty, people called the son-in-law who was selected from the imperial examination list "Sister-in-law". The term "husband-in-law" probably comes from the Eastern Jin Dynasty scholar Yuan Shansong, but this statement really makes no sense. As for the scholars who passed the imperial examination, there were also some who were unwilling to become someone else's son-in-law, but they had to submit due to the coercion and inducement of powerful and powerful families. There was a young man with a handsome appearance and a dashing demeanor. He was admired by a very powerful man and wanted to choose him as his son-in-law. The powerful man ordered a dozen servants to gather the new boy into his house. Along the way, the young man walked happily without any intention of avoiding or declining. When we arrived at the door of the dignitary's house, the people who came to watch were almost surrounded by a human wall, with three floors inside and three floors outside. It was so lively. After a while, an official wearing gold and purple clothes walked out of it. When he saw the new boy, he said with a smile on his face: "I only have one daughter, and she has a good appearance. I would like to marry you as a good friend of Qin and Jin. I don't know how to respect you." How about that?" The young man quickly bowed and said, "I am a humble person, and I am truly lucky to be able to attend a high school. I am just a young man. How about I discuss it with my wife after I get home?" When everyone heard this, , laughed and dispersed. zhuan Qin Shi Huang //storychina.cn/main2.asp?id=18222&tablename=sitesearch Is that just right? Original publisher: Dumi Library Three-minute humorous story Part 1: Three-minute humorous story 3-minute humorous story A stingy man treats Xiao Lu to a meal, but he is stingy. His colleagues take turns to treat him to dinner, but he never pays the bill. As time went by, everyone became a little unhappy. One day at a dinner party, when the bill was about to be paid, Yang Fan first suggested that Xiao Lu pay the bill this time. Unexpectedly, Xiao Lu patted his thigh and said regretfully: You see, if you didn’t tell me earlier, I didn’t bring my wallet today, maybe next time! His female colleague Jiajia reminded him: Who still uses cash nowadays? They all pay with mobile phones. . Xiao Lu had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and was happy when he saw it: Oops, what a coincidence, the phone is out of battery. Yang Fan was already prepared. He took out a power bank and said, "I've prepared it for you. Come on!" Xiao Lu was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice in distress. Everyone suppressed their laughter and chatted while waiting for him to charge his mobile phone. At this time, Xiao Lu screamed again: My mobile phone is poisoned and I can't open it! After this incident, everyone gave up on treating Xiao Lu's stinginess and stopped calling him at dinner parties. Unexpectedly, on this day, Xiao Lu actually offered to treat me and said sincerely: It’s been you treating me for so long, so it’s time for me to show my appreciation. This weekend I arranged a special themed party at a Manhattan restaurant. Everyone looked at each other in shock. Manhattan is a famous local restaurant. Why was Xiao Lu suddenly so generous? On the weekend, everyone dressed up to match the elegant atmosphere of Manhattan.

Xiao Lu walked to the front desk and said elegantly: My surname is Lu, and I have made a reservation in advance. Hello, Mr. Lu, please come with me. The waiter was polite, led them into a private room, and first served them a pot of green tea called Wangqing Shui. Why is the name of this tea so weird? Yang Fan is a little confused. Jiajia rolled her eyes: You are a country bumpkin, big places pay attention to connotation! Everyone nodded, Xiao Lu smiled and said nothing. The first dish came quickly, there were three plates, and there were a few small sticks on the plate