1, pinyin: high y? O. It is said that he is the minister of Shun and Yu. Not ceramic pottery.
2. Ye Gong: The pinyin is: sh? G not ng, you must have heard the story of Ye G not ng Long Hao, which should be read as? Shoot? , but they were all read later? At night? It is wrong to read too many people, so read? Y is ok, wrong becomes right, and the original right is useless.
3. Yu Zhen, is Pinyin Y? d? . Xiangyang in the Tang Dynasty. Many people like to listen to the song Nan Shan Nan, but few people really know how its singer Ma Di reads it.
4, Jin Wushu, pinyin is J ○ nW? zh? . Hong Yanzong Bi, whose real name is Hexi, also known as, Hechu and Huanghechu, is a jurchen, the fourth son of Akuta, and a famous ruler of the Jin Dynasty. How many people send sh? ?
5. Liang Hu, a famous figure in Han Dynasty, shouldn't send a G? O you shouldn't say h either? O, and it should be pronounced h? . The word gue means big bird, which is what we usually call swan. This word can generally be pronounced h? O, you can also send g? O. but for names, when the pronunciation is h? . This is the view of exegetics masters such as Hui Dong and Wang Xianqian in Qing Dynasty.
6. Cai Wenji. Cai Wenji, a famous female writer in the Eastern Han Dynasty, whose real name is Cai Yan, doesn't pronounce D here? N, and you shouldn't read t? N, also read y? Deng, a calligrapher in the late Qing dynasty, began to be called Yan, and should also be pronounced y? n .
7. Zhong You. Zhong You, a master of calligraphy at the end of Han Dynasty, is marked as Y in the current general dictionary. O sound, but actually read strictly, when reading y? U. why, because of this word, in ancient Chinese and? By who? Universal.
8. Miao Yue. Mr Miao Yue, a master of poetry research, has been teaching in Sichuan University all the year round and is a famous scholar in Sichuan. I have recommended his prose about poetry to my children many times, thinking that he must study. Miu in his name shouldn't be pronounced mi? . Because you use the wrong word as your surname, you have to pronounce mi? o .