You should write fairy tales for hard-working people.

Wang Xianzhi, the seventh son of Wang Xizhi, was smart and studious since childhood. He is good at cursive script and official script, and he is good at painting. He began to learn calligraphy at the age of seven or eight and studied under his father. On one occasion, Wang Xizhi saw that Xianzhi was practicing calligraphy attentively, so he quietly walked behind him and suddenly reached out to draw a brush in his hand. Xianzhi held the pen tightly and was not pulled out. The father was very happy and praised: "This son is going to be famous again." Xiaoxian was smug after hearing this. Another time, a friend of Xizhi asked Xian to write on a fan, and then he wrote with a brush. Suddenly, the pen fell on the fan and polluted the words. Xiaoxian had a brainwave and a calf came alive on the fan. In addition, people are full of praise for the calligraphy and painting provided, and the small quotation has cultivated pride. It was thoughtful of its parents to see this scene. ...

One day, Xiao Xianzhi asked her mother Xi, "I only need to write for another three years, right?" Mom shook her head. "Five years of head office?" Mother shook her head again. I was anxious and said to my mother, "How long do you think it will take?" "Remember, after you write this 18 jar of water in the yard, your handwriting will be strong, and you will stand straight." My father stood behind him when I turned around. Wang Xianzhi refused to accept it and said nothing. He gritted his teeth for five years and showed his father a lot of written words, hoping to hear a few words of praise. Who knows, Wang Xizhi shook his head one by one. When the word "big" was raised, my father showed a satisfied expression, filled in a dot casually under the word "big", and then returned all the manuscripts to the dedication.

Xiaoxian was still not satisfied, so he showed all his calligraphy to his mother and said, "I practiced for another five years, completely according to my father's words." Look carefully, what's the difference between my dad and me? " Mother really looked at it carefully for three days, and finally pointed to the point added by Wang Xizhi under the word "big" and sighed and said, "My son has worn out three tanks of water, only a little like Xihe."

After listening to this, he was very discouraged and said weakly, "It's difficult! If this continues, when will there be good results? " Seeing that his arrogance had disappeared, his mother encouraged him to say, "Son, as long as you work hard, there is no river you can't cross or mountain you can't climb. As long as you keep practicing as you have in recent years, you will certainly achieve your goal! "

After listening to the dedication, I was deeply moved and kept practicing. Everything comes to him who waits. He used 18 buckets of water to practice calligraphy, and calligraphy made rapid progress. Later, Wang Xianzhi's writing reached the level of penetrating paper and perfection. His ci is juxtaposed with Wang Xizhi and is called "Two Kings".