The word Zi Long is from Puyang County, Ji 'an. His ancestors were deeply loved by the monarch of Wei. Up to now, he is the seventh generation, and he has become a doctor in the flood position from generation to generation. On the recommendation of his father, the filial emperor Ji 'an became the prince who washed horses. After the death of the king, the Crown Prince succeeded to the throne and appointed him as the leader of the worshippers.
When the Fujian-Vietnamese people in the east fought against the Ou-Vietnamese people, the emperor sent Ji 'an to inspect them. Before he arrived in eastern Vietnam, he returned after arriving in Wuxian. "People in East Vietnam are at war with each other," he told the newspaper. A fire broke out in Huaniao County, which destroyed more than 1000 families. The emperor sent Ji 'an to inspect. When he came back, he said, "An ordinary house is on fire.
When I passed through Henan Province, I saw that the local poor were suffering from drought and flood. The disaster affected more than10,000 families. Now I demand the return of runes and the crime of false laws. "The emperor felt that Ji 'an was virtuous and kind, so he was transferred to Xingyang County as a magistrate. Ji 'an thought it was disgraceful to be a county magistrate, so he resigned and went home due to illness.
Hearing this, the emperor called Ji An to the imperial court for a doctor. Because he often made outspoken suggestions to the emperor, he still could not stay in the court and was regarded as the prefect of Donghai County. Ji 'an respected Taoism, governed the Northern Wei Dynasty and handled civil affairs. He likes to be quiet and doesn't do much. He governs this country only by supervising his subordinates to act according to the general principles, rather than asking about the details.
He is very ill and often stays in the bedroom. Donghai county has been quiet for more than a year, and people are full of praise for him. When the emperor knew this, he recalled Ji An to Beijing and made him the palace master. He tried to govern without interference and expand his priorities instead of following the letter of the law. Ji 'an is arrogant and impolite.
He is amiable, close and friendly to himself; People who are out of step with themselves will meet him impatiently, so scholars will not be attached to him. However, Ji 'an likes learning and chivalrous behavior. He is a kind and honest man at home.
When I entered the imperial court, I liked to speak freely and worship the emperor repeatedly. He often appreciates Fu Bo and Yuan Ang. He gave up his friendship with Guan Fu, Zheng Zheng and Zong Zheng. They also had to be persuaded to stay in their original posts many times.
In Ji 'an, there was a young master named Jue, whose surname was Dan, and Hou TianFen (fen, fen) was the younger brother and prime minister of Wu Taihou. For two thousand years, seniors bowed to the audience with receivers, and Jennifer Tian should not thank them. Xiao Changfen, who was found in Ji 'an, never worshipped and often saluted. Ji An said, "Your majesty has many wishes in his heart. He only practices justice on the surface.
The emperor was very angry. His face changed and he walked on. After the emperor abdicated, he said to his ministers, "This is too much. Ji An is so stupid. " Ji 'an was criticized by some ministers.
Ji An said, "Did the emperor order ministers, ministers and officials to assist the emperor? Besides, I am now the ninth minister. Although I cherish my life, what if I do something that seriously hurts the court? "
Ji An is ill. He has been ill for three months. The emperor allowed him to take vacations for illness many times, but his illness never recovered. Last time he was seriously ill, Zhu Zhuang asked for leave for him. The emperor asked, "What about Ji An?" Zhu Zhuang said, "It's no big deal for Ji An to be an official and a deacon.
But he can help the young monarch, stick to his established career, lure him not to come with interests, and drive him not to go with threats. Even if someone claims to be as brave as Meng Ben and Yu Xia, he will not regret his dedication. "The emperor said," yes. There were loyalists in ancient times, such as Ji An. "
General Wei Qing entered the Stone Palace, and the emperor once leaned against the bed to meet him. The prime minister's palace usually asks for an audience, and the emperor sometimes doesn't even wear a hat. As for Ji An's visit, the emperor won't receive him without a hat.
The emperor used to sit in a grand chancellorship, which coincided with Ji An's coming here to start his official business. The emperor did not wear a hat. When he saw it, he quickly hid in the tent and sent servants to approve his memorial. Ji An was respected and treated by the emperor to this extent.
Ji 'an questioned and criticized Zhang Tang many times before the emperor, saying, "As an upright official, you can neither inherit the achievements of your ancestors nor control the selfish desires in the world. Defend the country, enrich the people and empty the prison. On the contrary, you try your best to do something wrong and break the law for your own career.
Besides, how dare you change the rules and regulations formulated by Emperor Gaozu? You will kill your son. "The sword often quarrels with Zhang Tang. Ji 'an was so determined and serious that he refused to give in.
He angrily denounced Zhang Tang and said, "There is a saying in the world, and an official with a sword and a pen should not be a minister. If we don't follow the laws of Zhang Tang, we will let the whole world stand together in fear, dare not move, dare not look straight into the eyes! "
At this time, the Han Dynasty recruited Huns and invited local ethnic minorities. Ji 'an made every effort to keep the country calm, and often used this opportunity to suggest that the emperor live in peace with the barbarians instead of waging war.
The emperor was infatuated with Confucianism and respected GongSunHong. When there were problems at home, junior officials and lawless people cleverly tried to evade the law, so the emperor had to separate the law from the law and strictly enforce it. Zhang Tang and others kept trying important cases to win the favor of the emperor. Ji 'an often denigrates Confucianism and attacks the cunning of Gong Sunhong's officials.
Therefore, the emperor became more and more dependent on Sun Hong and Zhang Tang. GongSunHong and Zhang Tang hated Ji An so much that even the emperor didn't like him and wanted to find an excuse to kill him. As prime minister, Gong suggested to the emperor that Ji An should be appointed as the minister of internal affairs. Ji 'an served as a member of the internal history committee of China * * * production party for many years.
General Wei Qing has become more and more distinguished, and his sister Wei Zifu has become the queen, but Ji An still pays equal respect to him. Ji An was advised to say, "From the Emperor, I wanted my officials to be subordinate to the generals. Now the general is respected and valued by the emperor, and his position is even more important. You must bow.
Ji An replied: "Because the general has guests to salute him, does it make him rude?" The general thought Ji An was more virtuous after hearing what he said. Ask him many times about the difficulties of his country and North Korea, and treat him better than anyone he has always made friends with.
Wang An, a native of Huainan, conspired to rebel. He was afraid of Ji 'an and said, "Ji 'an likes to tell people what to do. As for lobbying Prime Minister Gong, it is as simple as covering something with a piece of cloth or shaking off a fallen leaf. Ji 'an advocated making peace with Xiongnu, rather than sending troops to fight against Xiongnu, and even more dismissive. Gong and Zhang Tang were just small officials when they enjoyed the treatment of Do Zhengzhong in Ji 'an.
When Gong and Zhang Tang became more and more important and equal to Ji 'an, Ji 'an criticized and vilified them. Soon, Gong Sunhong was promoted to Prime Minister and was named Hou; Zhang Tang's view is based on imperial historians; Ji' an county magistrate, Shu family also rose to the same level as Ji' an. Ji An is narrow-minded, impetuous and full of complaints as soon as he appears.
When he appeared in front of the emperor, he stepped forward and said, "Your majesty uses courtiers as firewood. The emperor was silent. After Ji An abdicated, the emperor said, "It is a fact that one is never ignorant. Look at this sentence, Ji An's stupidity is getting worse. "
Soon Attila and the evil army surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and the court sent 20,000 vehicles to pick them up. When officials have no money, they borrow horses from the people. Some people, kurama, can't get together. The emperor was very angry and wanted to kill Chang 'an county magistrate. Ji 'an said, "Chang 'an county magistrate is not guilty. If he kills me, people will give up their horses.
Coupled with the fact that Xiongnu generals betrayed the monarch and surrendered to the Han Dynasty, the court could slowly let the counties and counties along the way prepare chariots and horses and take over their order. Why drag the whole country into trouble and make our people tired of serving the Xiongnu army and generals? "The emperor was silent. With the evil king of Xiongnu, the businessman who led his army to trade with Xiongnu was sentenced to death.
Ji 'an got an interview and met the emperor at the high gate of Weiyang Palace. I was stupid enough to think that if the king captured the Huns, he would treat them as slaves, give them to the families of those who died in the army, and then give them the seized treasure to thank the people for their hard work and satisfy their wishes.
Even if we can't do this now, the evil king should not give them all the treasures in the palace with thousands of troops. Where do these ignorant people know how to get Huns to purchase goods in Chang 'an? They will be regarded as illegally smuggling property out of the country and sentenced to death by law enforcement officers.
Even if the king can't take the Huns' materials to comfort the people all over the world, and can't kill more than 500 ignorant people with harsh laws, this is the so-called' protecting leaves and damaging branches'. Personally, I don't think it is advisable for the king to do so. "The emperor was silent and expressed disapproval. Then he said, "I haven't heard from Ji 'an for a long time. A few months later, Ji 'an was convicted of a misdemeanor. So Ji 'an retired to the countryside.
After a few years, the state changed to casting five baht, and many people privately cast coins, especially Chu. The emperor thought Huaiyang County was the main road to Chu, so he called Ji An the satrap of Huaiyang County. Ji An prostrated himself on the imperial edict of politely declining and refused to accept the seal. The emperor forced him to do so many times with imperial edicts, and he was saved.
The emperor summoned Ji An by imperial edict, and Ji An cried and said to the emperor, "I thought that I would never see your majesty again after my death, but I didn't expect your majesty to accept me again. Often sick dogs and horses, physical strength can not reach the trouble of being a satrap. I hope that Nakaro will go in and out of the palace gate, correct your mistakes and make up the gap.
This is my wish. "The emperor said," do you look down on the position of Huaiyang county magistrate? I'll call you back later. Because of the tension between local officials and people in Huaiyang, I have to rely on your prestige to invite you to lie at home and govern. "After saying goodbye to the emperor, Ji An went to visit Ambassador Li Xi. He said: "I was abandoned in a foreign county, so I can't participate in the court's deliberation."
Zhang Tang, an ancient imperial counselor, was smart enough to block criticism from others and treacherous enough to polish his own mistakes. He refuted critical words with clever flattering words, refused to always speak correctly for the whole world, and devoted himself to catering to the Lord's wishes. If the emperor doesn't want it, he will vilify it at will; Praise what the emperor wants.
He likes to make much ado about nothing and fiddle with laws and regulations. In North Korea, he was full of treachery to please the emperor's will. Externally, he imprisoned officials who endangered society to strengthen his power. You are in Jiuzhong. If you don't talk to the emperor as soon as possible, you and he will both be killed. "Li Xi afraid of Zhang Tang, dare not to the emperor.
Ji An manages county affairs as usual, and the political situation in Huaiyang County is clear. Later, Zhang Tang was destroyed. When the emperor knew what Ji An said to Li Xi, he decided that Li Xi was guilty and ordered Ji An to enjoy the salary of the vassal and still be in charge of Huaiyang County. Ji An died seven years later.
After Ji 'an's death, Qin Shihuang was influenced by Ji 'an, making his younger brother Ji Yan a minister and his son Ji Yan a minister. When Ji 'an's son Sima An was young, he was also the prince of Ji 'an. At that time, his brothers set up ten men and two thousand stones as pillars for him. The first official in Puyang served, and Wang Xin recommended it. Duan Hong also sent two officials to the ninth office.
But officials in Puyang are in awe of Ji 'an and are willing to stay under him. At that time, Zheng, Zizhuang and Chen Xian were all human beings. His ancestor Zheng Jun was a general under Ji Xiang. Shortly after his death, Ji Xiang belonged to the Han Dynasty. Gaozu ordered all old items to be mentioned in the name of items, but Zheng Jun did not obey the order. Gaozu ordered those who were willing to call his name to worship him as a doctor and drove Zheng Jun away. Zheng Jun died in the reign of Emperor Xiaowen.
Zheng Zhuang took pleasure in chivalry and saved Zhang Yu from danger, and his reputation spread among Liang and Chu. During the reign of Emperor Xiao, he was a tenant of the Crown Prince. He goes on holiday every five days. He often rides horses in the suburbs of Chang 'an, visits old friends by riding horses, invites guests and friends, and stays up all night worrying about making mistakes. Zheng Zhuang loves Taoism and worships the elderly.
He was so enthusiastic that he didn't seem to see them. He is young and has a low position in the government, but all his friends are from his grandfather's generation. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, he was successively promoted to one of the nine ministers by the prefect of Jinan Group and the secretariat of Jiangdu. Because Wu 'an's opinions on Hou Tianfen and Wei were controversial, and his improper opinions made him demoted to Zhan, so that the peasants could transfer him.
When Zheng Zhuang was writing "Civil History", he warned his officials: "No matter how high or low, don't let tourists stay at the city gate." He respects his guests and grovels before them. Zheng Zhuang is honest and has no private property. He supports his old friend through salary and reward.
Whenever he goes to court and has the opportunity to talk to the emperor, people hope that he can win the respect of the old people all over the world. In fact, he is interested in talking about scholars, his subordinates and all the officials in history. He never calls officials by their first names, and speaks politely to his subordinates, as if afraid of hurting them.
As soon as they heard other people's opinions, they immediately reported to the emperor so as not to delay the progress of things. As a result, taxi drivers and famous old people in the vast area east of Yaoshan unanimously praised his virtue.
Zheng Zhuang was sent to inspect the breach of the Yellow River. He took five days to prepare for the trip. The emperor said, "I heard that Zheng Zhuang walked a long way without eating. Why did he ask for time to prepare for his trip? " Although Zheng Zhuang was very popular outside, he often echoed and obeyed the will of the Lord in the court, and dared not make his right and wrong too clear.
In his later years, the Han Dynasty recruited Huns and recruited local ethnic minorities. Zheng Zhuang recommended it to people and their guests, and owed a lot of money to carry it for the big farm.
The prefect of Sima County in Huaiyang County reported this incident, and Zheng Zhuang took the responsibility and made atonement for the people. Soon, the Prime Minister walked into this temporary office with a long history. The emperor thought he was very old and made him the king of Runan County. A few years later, he died in the office.
Biography of Historical Records in Ji 'an was written by Sima Qian, and the dynasty was the Western Han Dynasty. According to the historical records.
The original excerpts of Historical Records of Ji 'an are as follows:
Anyway, Hunhun Evil King led the people to surrender, and Han Qi took twenty thousand troops. The county magistrate has no money and comes from the people. Man or kurama, you can't have a horse. Anger, want to cut changan order. Yan said, "Chang 'an has been acquitted, and the people are willing to leave. "Besides, the Xiongnu surrendered to the Han Dynasty on the master's side, and Han Xu spread to counties, so why stir up the world and stop those who harmed China and destroyed the emperor?" Keep quiet.
And muddy evil, Jia people and the city, sitting for the dead more than 500 people. When he met Gao Men in the dark, he said, "Husband and Xiongnu attacked the road jam and refused to kiss. China formed an army to punish them. There were countless casualties and thousands of dollars lost. I foolishly thought that your majesty's conference semifinals thought that handmaiden would give it to the families of those who died in the army. What you get, you give it to thank the suffering of the world and block people's hearts.
Today, if we can't, tens of thousands of people will come to surrender, they will be rewarded by the virtual treasury, and they will be taken care of by good people. An Zhi fools buy things in Chang 'an, but scholars think it has something to do with property. Even if your majesty couldn't get the Xiongnu's money to thank the world, he killed more than 500 ignorant people with his own words, which is the so-called' protecting his leaves and hurting his branches'. I secretly don't give it to your majesty.
He said silently, "I've heard Ji An's words for a long time, but now I've committed them again." In the next few months, if you sit still in Dafa, you will pardon this official. Hidden in the darkness of the countryside.
Extended data:
The Creative Background of Biography of Historical Records in Ji 'an;
This chapter is a joint biography of Ji 'an and Zheng. Ji 'an was a famous first-rate figure in the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. With his arrogance, majesty, integrity and courage, he defied authority and condescended to make the whole hospital feel fear.
The audience, like others, kowtowed with Cheng Aida's arrogance, but he just looked at it in confusion and saw the equality and dedication of General Wei Zhiming. During two missions, he either changed his mind and gave up halfway, or decided to distribute official food to help the victims.
He is always ready to criticize the shortcomings of others, and even dares to criticize the monarch and his favorite dignitaries. In his biography, he criticized Emperor Yan four times and Prime Minister Gong and historian Zhang Tang three times. No wonder courtiers were shocked, scared and accused of this.
GongSunHong and Zhang Tang hate him very much. Although Emperor Wu scolded him behind his back and even had the intention of killing people, he had to admit that he was a "minister of national change" and endured for a few minutes. With reverence for Ji 'an, Sima Qian erected a monument for Ji 'an.
Around the center, this paper adopts the method of radial polymerization to interweave together. Many scattered materials depict characters from various relationships, especially the repeated description of the opposition between Ji 'an, the supreme ruler, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the conflict between Zhang Shang, which made him the first minister of the Han Dynasty.
Among them, Ji 'an's incisive and highly personalized remarks are recorded in large numbers. His incisive words and emotional indignation, both profound and shocking, played a vital role in expressing the hero's ideological character.
Ji 'an believes in Huang Lao's theory and advocates peaceful inaction, which contradicts the "lust" politics of Emperor Wu who advocates Confucianism, uses harsh officials, likes big events and disturbs people's lives. In essence, this biography affirms Ji Ankang's struggle with the authorities in a series of current policies.
Therefore, this biography has complex and profound ideological connotation and strong practical significance. It also includes the author's profound feelings about love and hate, arrogance and elegance of power, and familiarity with fraudulent information.
Mr. Zhang Shang was too jealous of the great hatred and suffering in history, so he sat down, poured water and scolded Huang Ji 'an for tinkering around the edges. All the way, if it wasn't lip service, it was also the breast block of history to circle this circle "(Historical Records of Mr. Niu Yun 1 1 citing historical records of past dynasties). It can be said that Ji 'an is Tai Shigong's spokesman for criticizing real politics.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Biography of Ji An