Confucian sage: Confucius
The first one must be Confucius, a saint who promotes Confucianism.
Confucius was already famous when he was in his twenties. Lu people all know that Confucius is good at etiquette. When Confucius' son was born, the monarch of Lu sent someone to send a carp, so Confucius named his son. At that time, Confucius was a scholar and the lowest person in the ruling class. It was a great honor to receive the gift from the monarch.
Kong Li died before Confucius, so there are two things that can't be used to worship Confucius. One is carp, which originated in Kong Li; One is tofu, because of his sworn enemy? Liu An, the inventor of tofu, always scolds Confucius.
At the age of 50-55, Confucius successively served as Zhongduzai, Xiaosikong, Dashikou, and finally? Take a picture? . Is to act as an agent to exercise various administrative powers. After the governance of Confucius, Lu was greatly ruled and its national strength was improved, which greatly shocked the ministers of Qi, a neighboring country at that time.
When Confucius joined the League in Qilu, he joined the League with Lu. Say? Educated people must be prepared? Take Lu's army for example. When he joined the League, he advocated that Qi Jun should return the land he had occupied in Wenyang. When Yanghu rebelled, he gave the land of Wenyang to Qi.
a man of temperament
To his disciples, he is gentle, persuasive and sometimes humorous.
Yan Hui is Confucius' favorite disciple. When traveling around the world, Yan Hui once fell behind in danger. Yan Hui caught up with Confucius' army, and Confucius said? I thought you were dead. ? Yan Hui replied? Teacher, you are still alive, how dare I die first! ?
Unfortunately, Yan Hui died before Confucius because of long-term malnutrition and excessive brain use. Confucius was very scared at that time. Confucius often said that he should control his emotions when educating his students. Some disciples asked the teacher if this was too sad. Confucius said:? If you are not so sad about Yan Hui, under what circumstances will you be sad? In fact, when Yan Hui died, Confucius was even sadder than when his son Kong Li died.
Confucius was particularly fond of Yan Hui. Confucius once said that Yan Hui was the best student among his disciples. Yan Hui is also very smart. Yan Hui is much younger than Confucius, and most of his other disciples are older than Yan Hui. Confucius hoped that Yan would come back and inherit his mantle.
Lutz is also Confucius' favorite disciple. Because Lutz's personality is straightforward and inflexible, Confucius often reminds Lutz and tries his best to hope that Lutz can learn to be flexible. Unfortunately, Lutz died of civil strife in the country of Wei because of honest and frank.
Ziyou served as the butcher of Wucheng, and was a great official of Wucheng. Educate the people with the rites and music taught by Confucius. When Confucius and other disciples came to Wucheng, they saw all this and said, How to kill a chicken with an ox knife? . Ziyou explained to Confucius very seriously. Finally, Confucius said, what I said before was a joke? .
An excellent shooter and driver.
Archery and driving were skills that nobles should master at that time, did they belong to it? Wu? Is it also the aspect? Six arts? Two themes.
At that time, yang hu, the retainer of Ji's family, was also a master of these two aspects. Confucius competed with him, and finally yang hu lost. I think the competition between two people at that time must have been a sensation.
Musical talent
Confucius once studied piano with Shi Xiang, and one day Shi Xiang gave him a tune to practice by himself. He practiced for ten days, but he still didn't mean to stop. Shi Xiang couldn't help it and said? You can practice with another piece of music. ? Confucius answered? Although I am familiar with its melody, I haven't touched its rules yet? . After a while, Shi Xiang said. You have mastered the pattern, so you can practice with another tune. ? Didn't expect Confucius to answer? I haven't grasped its musical image yet. ? After a period of time, Shi Xiang found that Confucius looked dignified and his body was in harmony, as if he were a different person. This time, before the teacher asked questions, he said:? I realized the image of music, dark, tall and far-sighted, like a king, and this person must belong to King Wen. ? Shi Xiang was surprised, because this song happened to be called King Cao Wen, and he didn't tell Confucius beforehand.
Confucius is also a first-class music connoisseur. According to legend, "Shao" is a music and dance in the Yao and Shun era. Confucius never had a chance to listen in Lu, and finally enjoyed it at a palace banquet in Qi. Confucius was so fascinated by this solemn music that he didn't know the taste of March meat. He said, "If you don't want to be happy, you will be happy."
He is also good at playing rock and roll, and the rock and roll voice is very emotional. Confucius heard the news of the death of Dou and Shun Hua, doctors of the State of Jin, on the bank of the Yellow River, and returned to China, where he composed the piano music Cao Qi to express his grief. Confucius likes singing very much. He often makes others sing. If he sings well, let him continue to sing and then teach himself. On the seventh day before he died, he sang to Zigong.
Know how to work
The state of Lu stipulates that when people all over the country see their own people being sold as slaves, they can redeem them and return them to the state treasury for reimbursement. Confucius students redeemed a slave without paying the bill. Everyone praised the students' nobility. Confucius was very dissatisfied. Isn't it more noble for students to ask for help without money? Confucius said: Foolish goods, if others redeem slaves and pay debts in the future, they will be called immoral; If you don't pay the bill, doing good will become a loss. Gradually people will pretend not to see anyone being a slave, and gradually no one will do good. Luz, a disciple of Confucius, saved a drowning man. The man rewarded him with a cow, and Luz took it away. After Confucius knew it, he said to Luz: Bravo! In this case, the Lu people will definitely save the man who fell into the water.
Lutz, Zi Gong and Yan Zi talk about how to treat others. Lutz said:? Others are good to me, and I am good to him; I don't need to be nice to others because others are not nice to me. ? Confucius commented:? This is a practice between barbarians and barbarians who have no moral manners. ? Zi Gong said:? Others are good to me, and I am good to him; Others are not good to me, and I will guide others to be kind. ? Confucius commented:? This is what friends should do. ? Stefanie said:? Others are good to me, and I am good to him; If others treat me badly, I will treat others well. ? Confucius commented:? This is what relatives should do. ?
Confucian sage: Mencius
In 370 BC, Mencius was born in a village under Ma 'anshan between Lu and Zou. More than 2,000 years have passed, and we are still moved by the great maternal love when we stroll through the dense cypress forest in Meng Mu. A widowed mother with orphans moved from Fucun, a market town, to Miaohuying, and then to a school palace in Nanguan, Zoucheng, in order to create an ideal learning environment for her son. My son can finally go to school. In order to educate his truant son, this great mother will cut off the cloth she is knitting with a knife until Monk suddenly wakes up and decides to study hard.
Is there one around here? Meng Mu moved three times? ,? Meng Mu cut off the plane? In the land of the story, a man named Meng, Ming Kehe was about to make the winding holy vein suddenly run into a magnificent river.
Concerned about the country and the people, Monk set foot on the land of Qilu and asked Hao Tian: He is so far away from the age of saints and so close to his hometown. Who is his successor? He announced to the world that there must be a king in 500 years, and there must be a celebrity in the meantime? If you want to rule the world, in today's world, give me up! ?
As a dazzling superstar, this legendary figure described by Confucius rose to the ideological and political stage in the middle of the Warring States Period with the backbone of an intellectual, the heroism of a gentleman, a steaming heart that loves the people and a brain full of people-oriented thoughts. Especially in China, when intellectuals have been bullied, oppressed, lured, cruel, alienated and reformed by authoritarian machines for more than two thousand years, and humiliated the world with their own cartilage and servility (the most selfish against the essence of intellectuals), Mencius, a virtuous figure, is even more precious.
He not only resolutely inherited the sacred road opened by Confucius, but also expanded this road of humanistic spirit wider and longer. Although he? Ranked second? As an Asian saint, even in today's champion worship, he has been somewhat ignored. The birthplace of Confucius, Confucius' house and Confucius' forest, the annual ticket income is more than 23 million yuan, while the hometown of Mencius, Zoucheng, Mengmiao, Mengfu and Menglin, the annual ticket income is only more than 200,000 yuan. However, throughout the long history, Mencius enriched Confucius' thoughts with his inheritance, and further co-founded Confucianism with Confucius. He worships Confucius? Who hasn't flourished in Confucius since the birth of the people? ,? After Confucius, one person's merit lies not in the bottom? . He said:? Confucius, even in the sacred time. Confucius called it a masterpiece. ?
Like Confucius, he has a free soul and an independent personality, and his life is more masculine and full of tension. Confucius? The three armed forces can win the handsome, but the ordinary man can't win the ambition? ; Who is Mencius? Live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world; If it succeeds, let it go with the people (March with the people); Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. Is this a gentleman? . He even announced to the world that life is what I want and righteousness is what I want. You can't have it both ways, but you have to sacrifice your life for justice. ? When autocratic rulers of past dynasties were complacent that the broad masses of scholars succumbed to the temptation of violence and wealth, Confucius and Mencius had established the image of an awesome person at the source of China history!
With what? Governing the country and leveling the world? Confucius traveled all over the world, and Mencius traveled all over the world. Although neither can be used, it left a passion for the world to future generations and showed a great personality to future generations. For the rulers of various countries who hold the power of money, they have no servility and obsequiousness. Mencius even directed himself psychologically, being upright and upright, and having natural confidence and advantages in imposing manner. He said confidently: Peter, husband also; Me, my husband also; I'm He Wei! ? He talked about his experience of traveling around the world like this: you say your honor (to the vassal), you are reserved, don't take it as majesty. ? The King of Qi gave him one hundred ounces of gold, but he proudly refused. How can a gentleman get the goods (where can a gentleman buy them)?
As the core of feudal law? Jun Jun chenchen? Confucius made it clear? You make a gift, and I make you loyal? . In Mencius, he went further? If you treat me like a grass interface, then I treat you like an enemy? . No wonder Zhu Yuanzhang, who just became emperor, read this? Dragon? Angry in his heart, he immediately revealed the ferocious face of the feudal ruler, immediately disqualified Mencius from enjoying Confucius and drove him out of the Confucius Temple. Yes, they haven't walked out of the trap of the ruler, but dare to stand up and talk to the ruler after all? Fighting with each other? Yes
Mencius clearly saw that since the Spring and Autumn Period, the vassal states? Fight for land, kill people, and be wild; Fight for the city and kill the city; The people's haggard is even worse than at this time. ? As a result, he openly issued? The Spring and Autumn War is meaningless? 、? A good soldier should be punished (a militant should be punished the most)? The cry fundamentally denied the merger war since the Spring and Autumn Period.
Really, touching the corner of history often leads to gold that has been neglected for a long time. There is such a thing that we should not forget. At that time, there was a contradiction between Lu and Zou Guofa. Thirty-three officials died in Zou, and none of the people died. Ordinary people didn't die, but stood by and watched their superiors die. Mencius looked at it this way. He said to Zou Mugong. Serve you right! You and your men are cruel to ordinary people on weekdays! ? In ancient and modern times, far is far, and near is near. Think about it, if something happens to the current officials, I'm afraid that the onlookers will not just stand by and watch, but there may be several people who gloat. Why, those in power who lead a life of drunkenness are really angry and resentful. Remember that book? Tang Shi seems to have such a sentence? When I die, I will die with you? , that is, Xia Chaochen people pointed to Sun's curse, which means? When will you die? I'm willing to die with you. . The ruler of a regime is so corrupt and angry that it is not far from the day of collapse.
This? Yasheng? Sure enough, I made a rule that the interests of ordinary people should prevail, not the interests of oppressors. Can't you start from. Put people's interests first? In modern standards, have you heard a resounding historical echo? Although he seized power with this slogan, he forgot and even deviated from it. Perhaps it is this people-oriented thought of Confucius and Mencius that has benefited future generations. Mencius was the first to put it forward? Did you have fun with people? The idea:? People are happy when they are happy, and people are troubled when they are troubled? ,? He who enjoys himself with the people is king? . On the basis of Confucius' teaching without distinction, he systematically put forward the idea of teaching the people and enriching the people: if you don't teach, you will hurt the people. ,? How can people get rich if taxes are collected very little? . The thought of valuing the people over the monarch is the essence of his people-oriented thought. He said that the vassal's world is given by the people, whose eyes are the eyes of heaven, and whose ears are the ears of heaven. What the people of heaven will never forget from generation to generation is such a famous saying that contains the clanking sound of truth: the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the light. ? In fact, it doesn't matter if a saint is not a saint. In a word? The people are noble and the monarch is light? Didn't Mencius live forever? I once wrote in a poem by Mencius:? Reading Mencius with * * * on a winter night/People are also moved/The sky is also moved/The heart dances with the universe/When the snow is falling/When the grass is growing/I miss my friends/I visit Yasheng/Du Fu is present/There is an old coke in Lankao/* * * I go for tea/drums, days and months/. ?
China can also be proud of Confucius, Mencius and China (and its struggle of the times? Hundreds? ), the first to light the lamp of civilization and progress for mankind; Being a China person can also be proud. Among the mountains of human thought, there is a spiritual mountain built by two great intellectuals, Confucius and Mencius.
Confucian sage: Zhu
Zhu (1 130.9. 15? 1200.4.23), the word "Hui", also called "Zhong Hui", was later called "Hui Weng", "Shi Wenren" and "Zhu Wengong" in the world. Famous Neo-Confucianist, thinker, philosopher, educator, poet, representative of Fujian School, master of Confucianism, Buddha named Zhu Xi. Zhu is the only person who is not a disciple handed down by Confucius, but likes to visit the Confucius Temple. He ranks among the twelve philosophers in Dacheng Hall and is worshipped by Confucianism. Who is Zhu? Second ride? The third biography (Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi) disciple Dong Li's students, known as Cheng? Zhu Cheng school? .
Neo-Confucianism, also known as Taoism, is a theory aimed at studying the meaning of Confucian classics, that is, the so-called theory of meaning, which is divided into qi theory, dynamic and static view, understanding things theory and dualism of human nature
Reason is a metaphysical person who precedes natural phenomena and social phenomena. He believes that reason is more fundamental than qi, and logically reason precedes qi; At the same time, Qi has the initiative to change, and reason cannot be separated from Qi. He believes that everything has its reason, and the reason of everything is one after all.
Reason is the law of things.
Rationality is the basic principle of ethics.
Rationality is human nature.
Educational thought
Zhu has been engaged in lecturing for a long time, and has carefully compiled a variety of teaching materials, such as Notes on Four Books, and trained many talents. His educational thoughts are extensive and profound, among which his exposition is the most noteworthy. Elementary school? And then what? University? Education, the second one is about? Zhu's reading method? .
On the basis of summing up the previous educational experience and his own educational practice, Zhu divided a person's education into? Elementary school? And then what? University? There are two different and related stages, and their different educational tasks, contents and methods are put forward.
In terms of educational methods, Zhu emphasized preconceived ideas and early education; Try to be vivid and vivid, which can stimulate interest; Cultivate children's moral behavior habits in the form of "instructions" and "learning rules". In terms of university education methods, Zhu attached importance to self-study and advocated the exchange of different academic views. Zhu's thoughts on primary education and university education added new contents to China's ancient educational thoughts.
Zhu's reading method? Step by step, study hard, swim with an open mind, observe yourself, work hard, be respectful and firm.
Scientific thought
Zhu elaborated? Know something? Say: It also makes sense to go up to the infinite Tai Chi and down to the plants and insects. If you don't read, you will miss a book; If one thing is not bad, then one thing is missing; If one thing fails, one thing is missing. Do you have to talk to him one by one? . It is believed that astronomy, geography, biology, agriculture and meteorology should be studied.
Zhu dabbled in the ancient medical classic Huangdi Neijing, the famous astronomer Zhang Heng's Lingxian, and the knowledge of astronomy and geography in past dynasties, especially the famous work Meng Qian Bi Tan by Shen Kuo, a natural scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, which made Bitan one of the sources of his scientific thoughts.
Rebuilding college
Zhu is a famous thinker and educator in Chinese history. He devoted his life to education, tirelessly taught students and made great achievements in education. When Zhu was alive, he reorganized some county schools and state schools, and personally founded Tongan County School, Wuyi Academy and Kaoting Academy, rebuilt Bailudong Academy and Yuelu Academy, and personally formulated and compiled the learning rules. Elementary school? And then what? University? Teaching materials. It trained a large number of intellectuals for feudal countries, including many famous scholars, and formed its own school, namely? Zhuzi school? .
Major achievements
In literature, his representative works include Bodhisattva Man (I), Shuidiao Getou (I), Nanxiangzi and Qin Yi E (II).
Calligraphy: Zhu is also good at calligraphy and became famous for a while. Ming Dow Zong Yi's Collection of Books and History says:? Zhu continued his orthodoxy and entered the sacred field, but he also worked in calligraphy. Good at grass, especially Chinese characters, calm and elegant when writing. Although it is too small, people compete for treasures and secrets. ? After studying Cao Mengde's books, he attacked Zhong You's regular script and Yan Zhenqing's cursive script. He has been in the pool all his life, with exquisite calligraphy and superb pen and ink.
personal work
There are 25 kinds of Zhu's existing works, with more than 600 volumes, with a total word count of about 20 million words, mainly including The Original Meaning of Zhouyi, Enlightenment, Textual Research of Guagua, Biography of Poems, The Doctrine of the Mean in the University, Four Books or Topics, Annotations to the Analects of Confucius, Annotations to Mencius, Annotations to Taiji and Annotations to General Books. An anthology with 100 volume, a sequel to1volume, an anthology with 10 volume, and a collection of Zhuzi schools with 140 volume are compiled by admirers.
Confucian sage: Wang Yangming
There is a saying that in the history of China, only Confucius and Wang Yangming can meet the standards of saints, and Zeng Guofan can only be counted as half.
Zuo zhuan:? There is virtue in the world, followed by meritorious service, followed by standing up. Although it will not be abolished for a long time, it is called three immortals. ?
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Dr. Sun Bao of Lu proposed this? The Three Immortals became the standard for later generations to evaluate sages.
? Lide? , that is, to establish noble morality; ? Meritorious service? That is, to establish achievements for the country and the people; ? Make a statement? That is, put forward insightful remarks. These three things will last forever.
Later generations compare Wang Yangming with Zeng Guofan, and most people think that Wang Yangming's pattern is more meteorological, that is, Zeng Guofan himself imitates and respects Wang Yangming everywhere. He once said: Every empty talk in the Ming Dynasty, only Yang Ming can achieve something. ? Yang Mingwen's image is bright and handsome! ?
As a master of psychology, Wang Yangming has a complete ideological framework that combines the essence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Mind is reason? Unity of knowledge and action? Conscience? As three propositions, Yangming's Mind Theory has an influence not only on China, but also on the whole East Asian Confucian cultural circle, especially on Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In modern times, Zhang Taiyan pointed out that Wang Xue was the forerunner of Japan's reform. ? Here? Wang Xue? Wang Yangming's theory of mind spread to Japan.
Zeng Guofan? Reconcile Han and Song Dynasties? His view is an acceptance of the academic trend of thought of his time. ? (? Reconcile Han and Song Dynasties? It refers to the academic textual research of Han dynasty and the righteousness of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties. )
Zeng Guofan emphasized again? Pay equal attention to four doors? ,? Four doors? Even the theories of righteousness, textual research, ci chapter and economy were synthesized from the Song School at that time.
Zeng Guofan's thoughts are integrated from the predecessors and contemporaries, and cannot be compared with Wang Yangming in depth.
Are you online? Make a statement? On this standard, Wang Yangming is much higher than Zeng Guofan. Yangming's theory of mind has created a generation of schools and is an inspiring theory. Zeng Guofan did write many books, but most of them stayed at the level of moral discussion and dealing with people, and his philosophical level was far less than that of Yang Ming.
In terms of self-cultivation, Wang Yangming was free and easy, pure, went out to see a Taoist priest on the night of the wedding, and even meditated with the other party all night until he was discovered by his family; If you want to know something, you really have to check a pile of bamboo for seven days and seven nights until you get sick; When leading troops to fight, use all kinds of cunning means; Lectures are devoted to promoting the knowledge of conscience.
Wang Yangming has an incomparably strong heart. Nothing can overwhelm him in his life. His faith has been completely powerful to the extreme, and he doesn't care about things that he thinks are unnecessary or unimportant, such as credit and official positions.
Even if everyone questioned him, he could still say:? The four heroes have similarities and differences, and there are many discussions. What are the advantages of talking more? ? He said he didn't care, but he really didn't care.
Zeng Guofan is forbearing. Knocked out a tooth and swallowed blood? After the defeat, I also threw myself into the water in a rage, but I lost in the end and fought again and again until I finally succeeded. This forbearance is often regarded as cowardice. His student Li Hongzhang once told his teacher bluntly that he? Cowardly? That is, timid, cautious, slow and inefficient. Zeng Guofan did not blame his rudeness, but readily agreed. Zeng Guofan also has the habit of reflecting on his shortcomings.
Generally speaking, Zeng Guofan's life is tangled.
As far as Qijia is concerned, Wang Yangming had no children in his early years and adopted Wang Zhengxian. In his later years, he had his own son, Wang Zhengcong. Wang Zhengcong was only five years old when Wang Yangming died. Two years later, Wang Zhengxian began to break up. Later, Wang Zhengcong's descendants fought for the title of their ancestors. It can be said that Wang Yangming's descendants were not successful.
Zeng Guofan is different, not just him? Family training? All over the world, his descendants have also produced many big shots, and the descendants of the entire Zeng Guofan family still have influence today.
In terms of military achievements, Wang Yangming selected and trained militia without paying a soldier's salary to the court, and put down a large-scale rebellion that endangered the four southern provinces; Under the constraint of the imperial court, he led a militia with no actual combat experience, and defeated tens of thousands of elite soldiers of Ning Wangzhu in just 35 days, smashing his decades-long usurpation plan; However, the suppression of bandits in southern Jiangxi and the expropriation of Sitian in Guangxi reflected Wang Yangming's military thought of suppressing peace at the same time and raised military tactics to? This heart is not moving. Is it an operation? The transformation.
Zeng Guofan led troops to fight, which was really ordinary. The battles he personally commanded were basically defeated, and the final victory was achieved with the help of a group of people of insight. Zeng Guofan is not a general, but he is a good commander in chief. He can lead a group of people and make contributions. This is Zeng Guofan's greatest talent.
Besides being busy with military affairs, Wang Yangming always gives lectures to a group of disciples. Zeng Guofan's shogunate gathered a group of people and often discussed the knowledge of classics and history.
Zeng Guofan may be weaker than Wang Yangming in military and bureaucratic ability, but after all, his fate is different. As an important official in the late Qing Dynasty, he pacified the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and participated in launching the Westernization Movement, which had great political influence. So from where? Meritorious service? By standard, they are almost the same.
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