1. Wang Xizhi’s three-point dedication to wood. Legend has it that the emperor at that time was going to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices, and asked Wang Xizhi to write the congratulations on a wooden board, and then sent workers to carve it. The engraver chipped away at the wooden board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed all the way into the wooden board.
He cut into three-thirds of the depth before reaching the bottom. The carpenter marveled at Wang Xizhi's powerful brushwork, his superb calligraphy skills, and the strength of his brushstrokes that could penetrate three-thirds of the wood. "Three Points into the Wood" is derived from this story.
2. Yan Zhenqing’s improvement of customs. When Yan Zhenqing was appointed governor of Fuzhou, there was a man named Yang Zhijian in the county who loved to study, but his family was poor and he was not known to the villagers. His wife asked him for a divorce because his financial supply was too low.
Yang Zhijian wrote a poem to her, saying: "Back then, I determined to become a teacher early, but today I have translated it as having silk on my temples. I know that I am late to seek employment, and I am wasting my time. I am willing to flirt with new people." When I saw him, Luan Jing left Huamei. We met on the way down the mountain.” If there was any ink stained by the government, he would ask his family to clean the inkstone and brush before leaving the county government office. Mi Fu went to the pond to wash his ink, and did not take away any bit of Anton's ink. He went on the road innocently, which became a legend for a while. In order to commemorate him, later generations named the pond where he washed ink "Migong Washing Ink Pond" and erected a monument to commemorate it.
Regular Script
Wang Xizhi's "Le Yi Lun", Yan Zhenqing's "Yan Qinli Stele" and "Duobao Pagoda Stele" are some of the more famous works, and Liu Gongquan's "Mysterious Pagoda Stele" and "Shence Military Monument" are his representative works.
Zhao Mengfu's "Dangba Stele", Chu Suiliang's "Sacred Preface to the Wild Goose Pagoda", Ouyang Xun's "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Inscription", "Huangfu's Birthday Stele", "Huadu Temple Stele" and other works.
Reference for the above content? Baidu Encyclopedia-Calligrapher