Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi are both famous great calligraphers. There is such a little story between father and son. On one occasion, Wang Xizhi went to Beijing on business. When he left, he wrote a few words on the wall at home.
Wang Xianzhi is also good at writing. He secretly erased his father's inscription and wrote his own. After Wang Xianzhi finished writing, he studied it carefully and thought it was well written, which could confuse the authenticity.
When Wang Xizhi came home, he saw the words on the wall and thought they were his own words. He was very dissatisfied and said with a sigh, "I was really drunk when I left home."
Wang Xianzhi felt very ashamed after hearing this. From then on, he practiced calligraphy more seriously and assiduously, and became as famous a calligrapher as his father.
2. Yan Zhenqing
Yan Zhenqing, an old minister of three dynasties in Tang Dynasty, is honest and upright, and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. But because of honesty and self-sufficiency, I will never be greedy, so I often can't eat and wear.
He once wrote a begging letter to Li Taibao at that time, saying that he was poor in production and had many index fingers at home. The whole family has been drinking porridge for several months, and now there is no rice, which is very annoying. I hope to ask for some food relief for the sake of old friendship. That situation is really pitiful. Yan Zhenqing's achievements in calligraphy have always been admired by later generations, and also inspired by his personality to some extent.
brief introduction
With the help of the shadow of the door, he became an official, serving as a doctor, a secretariat of Jiangzhou, a satrap of Huiji, and a general of the right army, known as "Wang Youjun" in history. In the ninth year of Yonghe (353), he organized the Lanting Elegant Collection. His Preface to Lanting has become "the best running script in the world". In the 11th year of Yonghe (355), he claimed to be ill, abandoned his official position and moved to Shaoxing Jinting. He died in the fifth year of Shengping (36 1) and was buried in waterfall mountain.
He is good at calligraphy, as well as official script, cursive script, regular script and other styles. He studied the style, imitated the hand and pursued it, learned from others' strengths, prepared the essence, melted into one furnace, and got rid of the style of writing in Han and Wei dynasties, which had far-reaching influence. The style is peaceful and natural, the brushwork is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful. In the history of calligraphy, he was called "Zhong Wang" with Zhong You and "Two Kings" with his son Wang Xianzhi. Li Zhimin commented: "Wang Xizhi's calligraphy not only shows simplicity and abstinence based on the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, but also shows harmony based on the Confucian doctrine of the mean."