The brushwork of Guan is: the upper frame is wide and narrow, and the middle is short and vertical; Horizontal painting should be long. The shell width is equal; Starting from the middle, stand upright first and then skim; The length and inclination of stippling are appropriate. Guan's pronunciation is guàn, which means coherent and penetrating. It refers to connecting a series of things in some way to form a whole or system. In Chinese, tubes are widely used to describe different things.
In history, Guanzi was once a very important Chinese character. It is not only one of the important words used by ancient calligraphers to practice calligraphy, but also one of the important official documents used by ancient officials. In ancient times, officials needed to record the country's financial revenue and expenditure in Chinese characters, so Chinese characters became one of the important symbols representing monetary units.
Guanzi is still widely used in modern Chinese. Can be used to describe different things, such as throughout the audience, consistent, integrated and so on. At the same time, tubes can also be used to represent quantities, such as consistent money, consistent rice and so on.
Guanzi is a very important Chinese character, which has a very wide range of meaning and usage. It can be used to describe not only different things, but also quantities and monetary units.
The word combination of Guan:
1, transverse: refers to the transverse penetration, and describes that an object or person extends from one place to another and runs between two points. This word can be used to describe the extension and infiltration of mountains, rivers, roads and other objects, and can also be used to describe a person's behavior or thoughts from one hand to the other.
2, absorbed: refers to all the spirit concentrated in one place, describing being very focused and serious about something. This word can be used to describe a person who is very devoted to a task, work or study, with high concentration and no distraction. For example, he is absorbed in studying this problem.
3, filed out: refers to one after another like a fish, describing continuous. This word can be used to describe people, motorcades, etc. Keep leaving a place. For example, after the party, the audience filed out.
4. Implementation: refers to the complete realization of a plan or policy, so that it can be fully implemented. This term can be used to describe the implementation of a task or plan by an organization or individual, emphasizing the thoroughness and comprehensiveness of implementation. For example, we should carry out this policy.
5, through: refers to something throughout, making it a whole. This word can be used to describe ideas, ideas, routes, etc. For example, this plan runs through the whole project, or his thoughts run through the whole history.