1. First couplet: Sit, please sit, please sit down. Second line: Tea, toast to tea, toast to fragrant tea.
Allusion: When Su Dongpo was serving as the governor of Hangzhou, one day he went to Mogan Mountain alone in casual clothes. It was midsummer at that time. Su Dongpo was thirsty and tired from the journey, so he went to a temple in the mountains to rest. The Taoist priest in charge of the temple saw that he was wearing very simple clothes, so he said casually: "Sit down!" Then he turned to the Taoist boy and casually ordered: "Tea!"
After the two sat down to talk, the Taoist priest discovered this man His words are extraordinary and his knowledge is profound. I thought to myself: This person is definitely not an ordinary person. So he invited the guests to the side room to have a detailed chat. After entering the room, the Taoist said to him warmly and courteously: "Please sit down!" and told the Taoist boy: "Tea!" After in-depth conversation, the Taoist realized that the guest was the local governor Su Dongpo, so he quickly stood up, saluted, and led Su Dongpo into the living room. He repeatedly said: "Please sit down!" and asked the Taoist boy: "Honor the fragrant tea!"
It was getting late, Su Dongpo stood up to say goodbye, the Taoist quickly got paper and pen, and insisted on asking Su Dongpo to inscribe a souvenir. Su Dongpo thought for a moment and wrote: Sit, please sit, please sit down; tea, tea, tea. This couplet is made up of words spoken by the Taoist before and after. It seems to come easily, but in fact every word is like a glow. After seeing this, the Taoist felt extremely ashamed of his behavior of "taking tea in front of others".
2. First couplet: The sunset reflects on the water, and the fishermen compete to sing "The River is Red". (Meaning: In the evening, the sunset shines on the river, and the fishermen compete to sing "The River is Red".)
Second couplet: The snow is flying in the sky, and the farmers sing "Universal Music" together. (Meaning: The fluttering snowflakes are floating in the air, and the farmer happily sings "Mu Tian Le".)
Allusion: One day, Su Dongpo and Huang Shangu were on their way home from an outing, and they happened to catch up with the red sun setting in the west. I saw the sunset glowing like fire, reflecting the surface of the river red. Huang Shangu suddenly came up with a first couplet, so he stopped and said to Su Dongpo: "I think back when Cao Zijian wrote a poem in seven steps, which has been passed down as a beautiful story through the ages, how about we take three steps and one couplet? If we can't match it, we will be punished by taking seven steps back. "Su Dongpo nodded in agreement. Huangshan Valley chanted:
The sunset reflects on the water, and the fishermen compete to sing "The River is Red".
The first couplet embeds the brand name "Manjianghong", which is appropriate, natural and quite interesting. After Huang Gugu came out, he tried his best to drag Dongpo away, but Dongpo squatted down and didn't move, letting Huang Gugu pull him. Huang Shangu was anxious and grabbed Dong Po's arm. Dong Po shook his arm, and Huang Shangu unexpectedly fell far away. Before he could get up, he heard the second couplet chanted by Dong Po: The snow is flying in the sky, and the farmers are singing "Putian" in unison. happy".
A word brand name is also used in the second line, which is opposite to the first line and also contains a joking meaning: Huangshan Valley fell into a somersault, which caused "universal joy".
3. First couplet: A drunkard rides a donkey and settles the debt. (A drunkard rides a donkey and counts the money for drinking in a daze.)
Second couplet: Shao Gong rocks the oar and bows to ask for the boat money. (The boatman rocked the oar and politely took the boat fare from the guests.)
Allusion: Once, Su Dongpo and Huang Shangu were boating on the river, drinking and talking. Huanggu Valley saw a drunkard riding a donkey on the river bank, looking very funny, so he jokingly said: The drunkard rides on the donkey, shaking his head and settling the debt;
Su Dongpo couldn't stand it for a while, so he While I was thinking hard, I suddenly saw a ferryman in front of me seeing the guests ashore, taking the boat money and saluting the guests. So he said to him, "Shao Gong is swinging the oar and making a bow to ask for the ship's money."
4. The first line: white plum blossoms in the snow, the snow reflects the white plum blossoms, the plum blossoms reflect the snow (meaning: the vast whiteness of winter, the feeling of tranquility and purity.)
The second line: in the wind Green bamboo, green bamboo turns in the wind. Bamboo turns in the wind (meaning: a piece of greenery in spring, a feeling of vitality and comfort.)
This couplet is a thimble couplet, which is also called a couplet of beads and a couplet of brocade. Pair refers to the foot word of the previous clause of the couplet, which serves as the head word of the following clause, so that the two adjacent clauses are connected from beginning to end and completed in one go.
Allusion: One day when it snowed, Foyin and Su Shi were walking in the snow. As they walked, Foyin made a couplet with each other: "There are white plums in the snow, and the snow reflects the white plums and the plums reflect the snow." And Su Shi was not to be outdone, and gave a very clever second couplet: "The green bamboos in the wind are caressing the green bamboos and the bamboos are caressing the wind."
5. First couplet: Dog gnaws (monk) bones on the river (meaning: yellow dog gnaws bones, using "river" to imply "monk".)
Second couplet: Water flows eastward slope Corpse (Dongpo Poetry) (Meaning: "Dongpo Corpse" alludes to "Dongpo Poetry".
Allusion: Dongpo Foyin Dumb Couplet It is said that when Su Dong was demoted to Huangzhou, one evening he and his friend monk Foyin went boating on the Yangtze River. Su Shi suddenly pointed to the left bank with his hand and smiled without saying a word. Foyin looked around and saw a yellow dog gnawing on a bone. He suddenly realized something and threw the cattail leaf fan inscribed with Su Dongpo's poem into the water. The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.
It turns out that this is a dumb couplet. Su Shi's first couplet means: "The dog gnaws the (monk's) bones on the river." The second couplet of the Buddha's seal means: "The water flows Dongpo corpse (Dongpo poem)."