April fifth. I visited Brother He's Zezhi Museum last night, and found that his paintings were piled up, including sketches of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, intentional ones and bright ones. In the meantime, the ink was not dry, and the Yin Fu Jing was written by Brother He. The three of them talked several times, and they felt that what they said was very dull, but they had to learn the three flavors of mystery through painting. Therefore, they chose these words to record: Song people learn painting, and if they take the right path, they will get wider and wider. Studying art is afraid of going astray, and I don't know yet. Of course, for everyone, that is a different choice for everyone.
It is better to learn painting than to learn from the ancients. This is not cherishing the past, cherishing the present. Every era has something that belongs to every era. Not to say that the past is good, but what remains is tempered by history. This is actually a very high requirement. Only when the requirements are high will what you have learned be truly valuable.
I learn calligraphy in order to learn painting. Calligraphy is the basic skill of painting, but it is difficult to draw. Painting does have a pattern hierarchy, and calligraphy skips the pattern and is directly abstract.
To learn art, it is important to study hard, have a peaceful mind, and occasionally have passion and ideas. Thus, Brother He has an outline.