Second, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang's anecdotes about poetry
During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhou Yu was jealous of Kong Ming's talent and always wanted to harm him. One day, I came up with a clever plan, held a banquet and invited each other to do harm in the name of poetry. Kong Ming knew Zhou Yu's intention long ago and deliberately said, "Whoever loses will be beheaded." Zhou Yu secretly rejoiced and quickly said, "A gentleman doesn't joke, and joking is not a gentleman."
Lu Su was in a cold sweat when he saw them high-fiving. He complained that Kongming was clever all his life and confused for a while, so he was easy to fall into the trap. Kongming pretended not to know, took Lu Su by the hand and said, "Amethyst is one."
Zhou Yu was very happy to see Kong Ming's plan. First, I wrote a poem: "Water is a stream, and water is ridiculous. If you remove the water from the stream, you will laugh at the birds. Success, the cat is better than the tiger and the phoenix is better than the bird. "
Hearing this, Kong Ming thought, as a strategist of Shu, it is not small to fall into Zhou Yu's hands today. So he immediately recited a poem and said, "If there is wood, it is also chess. If there is no wood, it is bullying to remove the wood on the edge of the chess. Longyou shallow water was beaten by shrimp, and the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by dogs. "
Zhou Yu was furious. Lu Su has long noticed this Long Hudou. When Governor Zhou saw that there was going to be an explosion, he quickly advised, "The water is Hunan, and the water is Hunan. Remove the water near Hunan, and the rain will frost. Everyone will sweep the snow in front of the door, regardless of others, first frost. "
The storm subsided, but Zhou Yu's anger did not subside. He changed the content and recited another poem: "Those who have eyes are ugly and those who have no eyes are ugly. If you get rid of ugly eyes, add a girl. Women in Longzhong are ugly, and it is difficult to choose women in a hundred miles. "
Seeing that Zhou Yu had taunted his wife, Kong Ming retorted rudely, chanting, "There is wood, there is a bridge, but there is no wood, and it is Joe. If you remove the wood from the bridge, you will be charming. Er Qiao, a beautiful woman in Jiangdong, is hard to lock. "
The ridicule of Kong Ming made Zhou Yu furious and secretly surrounded the ambush. Kong Ming didn't panic, as steady as Mount Tai. Lu Su immediately stepped forward to dissuade him: "Calm down, viceroy! I have a poem dedicated to:' wood is a trough, and no wood is also a Cao. The wood at the edge of the trough can't be removed well. Today is a disaster, dragon and tiger kill each other. " "
Lu Su gave directions with poems, and Zhou Yu suddenly realized, so he gulped down his knife and axe, negotiated with Kong Ming * * * to break the Cao Temple, and made a great cause of burning Chibi, which was later spread through the ages.