Interpretation: Heaven is good, and a gentleman should follow the example of Heaven and strive for self-improvement; The situation of the land is similar to that of Kun. A gentleman should take the land as an example and put morality first.
2, water conservancy is indisputable if the water is good. Faith is like a mountain, and the mountain has not changed. -Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
Interpretation: The kindest person is like water. Water is good at nourishing everything without competing with it, staying in places that people don't like, so it is closest to the Tao. The most trustworthy person is like a mountain, and the place where the peak stands will remain unchanged for thousands of years.
3, the husband is also, the quality is straight and righteous. Watch what you say and what you do. Consider the following people. -Confucius The Analects of Confucius
Interpretation: The so-called understanding means being honest in quality, observing courtesy and righteousness, being good at reading others' words, observing others' faces, and always thinking about being humble to others.
4, all rivers run into the sea, with great tolerance. -Justin's Preface to the Famous Ministers of the Three Kingdoms
Interpretation: The reason why the sea can absorb and accommodate thousands of rivers is because it has enough capacity.
5, the wall stands a thousand miles, and it is just without desire. -Lin Zexu
Interpretation: The towering cliff stands tall because it has no secular desire.
6. A gentleman is not satisfied, and he is not safe. He is sensitive to things and cautious in his speech-Confucius' The Analects.
Interpretation: "A gentleman is not worried about not having enough to eat, not worrying about being uncomfortable, and being diligent and agile in doing things, but he is careful in speaking and looking for someone who has a good way to correct himself, so he can be said to be eager to learn.
1, the first sentence comes from Xiang Zhuan written by Confucius for Zhouyi.
2. The fifth sentence is that people can only reach the realm of righteousness (rigidity) without worldly desires.