Accept the package of stars that are not afraid of the night, use courage to take on the important task of guiding the way, shine under the night, and guide those who travel. The sun is not afraid of the obstruction of the night, and takes on the responsibility of shining on the earth with faith, sending light and warmth over and over again. Since ancient times, China has had many people who have prayed for their lives and sacrificed their lives for the country. They have used their perseverance and wisdom to hold up the clear sky of China. And we can only shoulder the important responsibilities of our country and our country if we have courage, faith and wisdom. Taking responsibility requires courage. Who stood up when the country was embarrassed? Who is not afraid of the loneliness of "leaving the green tomb alone to the dusk"? Who led the chariots, horses and food slaves to bid farewell to the green willows and the river, to Chang'an where the long wind carried the flying clouds, and to the desert where the cold wind and sand and stones blew? It was her, the beautiful woman named Zhaojun. It was she who used her courage to defeat the fear of the Western Regions, used her courage to take on the important task of reducing the war for the country, and supported a stable and peaceful sky for the Han Dynasty! Taking responsibility requires faith. In that stormy era, how many people lost their way and ended up living a life of inaction. And Lu Xun stood in the wind and rain, becoming the eternal coordinate of the times! He knew very well that as a son of the Chinese nation, he should shoulder the responsibility of awakening the people. In order to fulfill his responsibility, he strengthened his belief, abandoned medicine to pursue literature, used his pen as a gun, and fought a bloody road to hope. His faith infected millions of confused young people, and finally, this unswerving faith won him an eternal reputation. It was precisely because of this faith that the resolute man took on a path of hope for China. Responsibility also requires wisdom. Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have gone through fire and water for the sake of the country and for the benefit of the country, but in the end, only a handful of them were able to take on the important responsibilities. If they only have passion but no wisdom, they will achieve nothing in the end. Naturally, they cannot shoulder the important responsibilities of the country. I can't help but think about Mozi, the man who insisted on asking for life for the people. He traveled for more than 40 days. Facing an enemy country that was already making weapons, how should he deal with it with bare hands so that he could live up to the hope that the people gave him? Mozi was not a reckless person. He used his wisdom to set up a battle with the public losers, and defended nine times without defeat. He used his wisdom to talk to the king, and finally gave up his attempt to attack the Song Dynasty. It was his wisdom that made Mozi achieve a good reputation throughout his life. It was wisdom that enabled Mozi to shoulder the important task of saving the country and the people. In order to take on the responsibility, she mustered up the courage to finally support a stable and clear sky. In order to take responsibility, he remained unwavering in his belief and saved the country from fire and water. In order to take responsibility, he used his wisdom as a soldier to fight for the peace of the people.
When we also have courage, faith and wisdom, I believe that we will be able to take responsibility for our country and make China shine with endless light in this world!