From Ode to Confucius' Family
The original Taishi Gong said, "Poetry" says, "The mountain rises and the scenery stops." Although I can't go back to the era of Confucius, I am very yearning for it. I read Kong's books, so I can see him. When I arrived in Shandong, I saw temples, cars, clothes, rituals and music, and Confucian scholars exercised etiquette at Confucius' house on time. I couldn't leave. There are many kings and saints in the world, before and after Dou Rong's death. Confucius is a civilian, and by more than ten generations, people who study have respected him. Since Tian Zi, China's "Six Arts" have been compromised by Confucius, who is the most sacred!
Tai Shigong said: There is a saying in the Book of Songs: "The towering mountains make people look up and the wide roads make people walk." Although I can't go back to Confucius' era, I yearn for it. I read Kong's books, so I can see him. When I went to Ludi, I saw Zhong Ni's ancestral temple, vehicles, costumes and sacrificial objects. Confucian scholars practice etiquette in Confucius' former residence on time, and I can't leave there.
There are many things in the world, from kings to sages. They were all brilliant for a while before they died. Confucius is a civilian, handed down from generation to generation, and scholars respect him. From the emperor to the princes, all the people who teach the Six Classics in the Central Plains should be judged by Confucius, who can be said to be the supreme saint!
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Sima Qian (former 145 or former135-about 87 years ago) was born in xia yang, Western Han Dynasty (now south of Hancheng, Shaanxi). China was a great historian, writer and thinker in the Western Han Dynasty. Later buddhas called Shi Qian, Tai Shigong and the father of history. He created China's first biographical and general Historical Records with the historical knowledge of "studying the relationship between man and nature, learning from the changes of ancient and modern times, and making a family statement". It is recognized as a model of China's history books, which records more than 3,000 years' history from the legendary period of the Yellow Emperor to the first year of the founding of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It is the first of the "twenty-five histories" and is praised by Lu Xun as "a historian's swan song, and Li Sao has no rhyme".