The ancient heroes did not meet, and they did not have great ambitions, not only Deng Yu literature, but also Ma Duyou. Jin Wengong, who has a wife and a horse, refused to go together. When he was poor, he sued Li Tong and rented it to Yanyou. Yuki and eyes. Guangwu returned to Li Tong and said, "Gong Yan wants to see you?" I am proud to get Yan Jun's hope. When the King of Han and Qi was a pawn, the fortune teller said that he would be king in the future. Han was furious, thinking that he had insulted himself, and bravely punched him. All are general opinions. Lin Xianggong's "Xin Chou Yuan Ri" in western Hubei Province says: "Those who look in the mirror will be old and the grass will not grow."
"Yong Huai" says: "It seems that 40 is like this, and it will take a hundred years to know." They are all poems written by Langzhong. Play with its words, if you don't expect it to come out later, you will enter the stage. As the strategy of seven provinces, Jinzhong Cheng Xi said: "Who can help the world if you ask your heart and admire the guests?" The quatrain in "Climbing to Jiaxiulou" says: "Cooking stove smoke is scattered in the afternoon, when 100,000 people are cooked. When did you ask for help? The sunset is full of Wuxiang Tree Temple. " Pretending to be the marquis of Wu is totally different.
Zhang Tongcheng's "xianggong" has been a prime minister since Hanlin, and his poems are unique. The most beautiful sentence: "Liu Yin spring water tune, with more flowers outside the sunset mountain." The person who blooms at the bottom of the leaf sees that a pair of butterflies are prophets. "It is intentional to plant flowers in the water, and one branch has become two." "Kite with the Emperor" says: "The colors are getting brighter in nine days, and the winds in the four fields are more colorful." Bet on the rhyme of "rope" and put it in the distance.
2. Translation:
When ancient heroes didn't find a place to use, most of them didn't set great ambitions. There are many such examples. For example, Deng Yu's hope is only through literature, and Ma Wu's hope is a little Du Youguan. Jin Wengong didn't want to leave Qi because he had a wife and horses. When Emperor Guangwu was down and out, he and Li Tong went to Yanyou for a lawsuit because of the tax extension.
Yan Ewing stared at him in surprise. Emperor Guangwu came back and said to thomas lee, "Did Gong Yan stare at you?" His implication is that it is an honor to be seen by Yan You. When the King of Han and Qi was still a nobody, the fortune teller decided that he would be crowned king in the future. Han was furious, thinking that the fortune teller was mocking himself, so he punched each other. These people all show a characteristic that they don't expect to make a difference in the future.
Lin Xianggong in western Hubei once wrote such a sentence in "Xin Chou Yuan Ri": "Look at yourself in the mirror, but when you open the door, you see that the spring grass has not yet grown." He also said in "Yong Huai": "It seems that forty years old is already like this, and we can infer the appearance of a hundred years old." These are all poems he wrote when he was a doctor. If you taste these poems, you will never think that he will go out in the future.
After briefly describing the seven provinces, he said in "On Jin Zhongcheng's Position": "Ask yourself, we are all fortunate to be promoted. Who is the wizard who really helps the world? He also said in the quatrain of "Climbing the Jiaxiu Building": "The smoke from the kitchen chimney, like thousands of light threads, floats in the noon sky. At this time, it is time for thousands of families to cook coriander. Will Na Yue attract the flame to save the world and people that year? I saw through the cracks in the trees that the old temple of Wuhou was golden by the sunset. "
He compared himself to a warrior, and the weather was very different when he didn't succeed. Zhang Tongcheng's "xianggong" is not like this. From being an academician to being a prime minister, his poems are all in the same style. His most exquisite poem is