At that time, Xue Tao's poem was that the branches welcomed the birds in the north and south, and the fallen leaves sent the breeze. Her father thought this poem was very good, but because it was full of the smell of prostitutes, he thought that his daughter might degenerate in the future, and that was it. They were in the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty.
There was political turmoil. After his father died, Xue Tao lost the pillar of his life. In desperation, she could only make a living by busking in the military camp at that time. Although she is beautiful, she has always adhered to her own principle, that is, to sell herself. Under such circumstances, many famous poets were famous at that time, hoping to sing poetry and have fun with her.
In ancient times, women were miserable. At that time, many people still thought it was useless for women to study, and the saddest thing about her as a woman who read poetry books was that she had to make a living by busking. At that time, street performers were looked down upon, but because Xue Tao was very talented and beautiful, many people came, and life was not too bad afterwards. Even so, Xue Tao is a witness to the tragedy of that era, but isn't it a good thing that an 8-year-old girl can win such a beautiful poem when you turn around?