Ningxia specialty Xizhoumi is a variety of Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbitaceae, genus Melon
Xizhoumi is an annual creeping or climbing herb; stems The branches are ribbed, with yellowish brown or white rough texture, honey hairs and wart-like protrusions. Tendrils are slender, single, puberulent. The petiole is 8-12 cm long, with grooves and short bristles; the leaves are thick and papery, nearly round or kidney-shaped, 8-15 cm in length and width, rough on the upper side, covered with white histiform hairs, and densely rough on the back along the veins. Bristle, with undivided edges or 3-7 shallow lobes, the apex of the lobes is blunt and serrated, the base is truncate or semicircular, with palmate veins. Flowers unisexual, monoecious. Male flowers: several clustered in leaf axils; pedicel slender, 0.5-2 cm long, pubescent; calyx tube narrowly bell-shaped, densely covered with white villous hair, 6-8 mm long, lobes nearly diamond-shaped, upright or spreading, larger than The tube is short; the corolla is yellow, 2 cm long, and the lobes are ovate-oblong, acutely pointed; the stamens are 3, the filaments are very short, the antheridium is bent, and the top of the septum is elongated; the pistil is about 1 mm long. Female flowers: solitary, pedicel rough, pubescent; ovary oblong, densely villous and hispid, style 1-2 mm long, stigma close together, about 2 mm long. The skin of the fruit is dark green, light green or slightly yellow, with different shades of netting, and the flesh is thick and orange-red in the center.
Flowering and fruiting period in summer