Bitten by insects like ants.

It looks like a bug bit you.

Bedbugs live in cracks in beds, wooden furniture, ceilings, floors, walls, etc. Can fall from the roof or mosquito net and feed on the human body. Usually active at night, lurking in the above places during the day, digesting blood and laying eggs. It is often hidden in clothes, luggage, boats and planes, and then spread everywhere. Bedbugs generally live in groups, so a large number of bedbugs are often found in places suitable for hiding. Whether nymphs or male or female adults, they all sneak out at night and like to suck human blood with sucking mouthparts. When it can't find human blood, it will also suck the blood of rabbits, mice and chickens. Bedbugs suck blood quickly, and they can be full in 5- 10 minutes. After people are bitten by bedbugs, their skin often itches. Allergic people have obvious irritation after being bitten, and the wound often appears red, swollen and itchy. If it is scratched, it will often cause bacterial infection.