A sly rabbit dies, and a running dog cooks; High birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden; Destroy the enemy and the counselor will die.
Without birds, the bow will be hidden and not used. When the hare dies, the hounds will cook it and eat it. It is a metaphor for kicking people who have made contributions away after things are successful.
Origin of Han Sima Qian? Historical Records of the King of Yue Goujian's Family
My son is a Zhongshan wolf. If he succeeds, he will be crazy.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhao Jianzi, a doctor from the State of Jin, hunted in Zhongshan. When he met a wolf, he chased it desperately. The wolf met Mr. Dong Guo and said, "Sir, you can lend me your pocket, let me live and hide for a while, and I will repay your kindness." Mr. Dong Guo helped the wolf. Later, the wolf jumped out of the bag safely and jumped on Mr. Dong Guo to bite?
I would rather teach me to be negative to the whole world than to teach the whole world to be negative to me! ?
Interpretation of Cao Cao's words When he was in a dilemma, he killed the Lv Boshe family, and later killed his rescuer Chen Gong.
Source: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Money is thick and sweet, and people are afraid. ?
Interpreting thick coins and sweet words is something people should be afraid of!
The source is Song Sima Guang's Zi Tongzhi Jin Jianji.
Therefore, those who are full of fish forget the fish. ?
Forgetting fish means forgetting fishing gear after catching fish. Later, it is also used to describe people who forget the means or things on which they rely for success after achieving their goals.
Source "Zhuangzi Foreign Things"
Participating in politics can be described as kicking down the ladder.
Metaphor is to kick someone who has helped you away after achieving a certain goal.
Source: Yuan Shi "Biography of Mushrooms in the Ruling and Opposition"
You don't want me to kick down the ladder.
When things are successful, kick the people who travel together away.
The Third Fold of Yuan Kang Jinzhi's Li Kui jy Negative Spine
Obviously, this unlucky scholar was killed by a club in response to his initial oath.
Interpretation of Jiao Luan, the queen of a noble family with both talents and looks, and Zhou Yinshi, a scholar, promised each other vows of eternal love, two of a kind, and trusted each other privately for life. After the scholar returns to his hometown, don't marry a rich woman and don't live up to the former alliance. Wang Jiaoluan committed suicide when he heard the news. The latter metaphor opens the curtain for the former person after arriving at a destination.
What is the source of the warning? Volume 34 Wang Jiaoluan's Centennial Hate
After dinner, scold the cook, read the scriptures and beat the monk.
Explain ingratitude, kick down the bridge without gratitude, and repay kindness with evil.
Camp toward the east gate and go to Yangqiao River at dusk.
Report to the barracks in the morning and leave for the border with the team at night.
Source du fu? Jam queen