Xu He will meet in Clermont. Because Huan Gong and Zhuang Gong formed an alliance on the altar, Cao Mo held a dagger to rob Qi Huangong. Duke Huan dared not move and asked, "What does the son want?" Cao Mo said: "Qi is strong and Lu is weak, but the invasion of Lu by the foreign powers is very severe. If Lucheng is bad today, it will crush the whole Xinjiang. You can figure it out. " Qi Huangong promised to return to Lu. Some people say that when Cao Mo throws his dagger and walks down the altar, he will be a minister in the north, with the same color and the same remarks. Huan Gong is angry, so he should double his promise. Guan Zhong said, "No way. It is better for her husband to be greedy for small profits, abandon the trust of the princes, and lose the help of the world. " So Huan Gong cut Lu and invaded the land, and the land killed in the Third World War was restored to Lu.
After that, in 160 and 7 years, Wu had contacts with Zhuan Xu.
Zhuan Xu, my hall is full of people. Wu Zixu died like Wu, knowing the power of Zhuan Xu. Wu Zixu saw Wu Wangliao and said that it was good to attack Chu. Wu Gongzi said: "His father and brother both died in Chu, but he said that if he wants to avenge himself, he must be Wu." The prince of Wu is the only one. Knowing that Gongzi Guang wanted to kill Wu Wangliao, Wu Zixu said, "Gongzi Guang will have an inner ambition and can't say anything outside." It's Chengzhu on Gongziguang.
Just say, the father of the prince of Wu. There are three fans: the second is Yu Sacrifice, the second is Yi Yi, and the second is Ji Zi Za. All the fans knew that Ji Zi Zagreb was a saint, but he didn't establish a prince, so he told his third brother to send his country to her son Zagreb to die. After Zhu Fan's death, the rest of the sacrifices were handed down. When the rest of the sacrifices died, they were passed down. Pass on the season when you die; When Ji Zi Zagreb refused to stand, the people of Wu made Liao, the son of Yi, king. Sun Guang said, "Let the brothers be evil, and the season will stand up; It depends on children, so if the light is really suitable, it should be established. " Therefore, try Yin to support the counselor.
The lights turn, be kind to the guests. In nine years, King Chu Ping died. In the spring, Wu Wangliao wanted his second brother's son to cover the rest because of Chu's funeral, so he became a general who surrounded Chu. Ji Zi of Yanling was brought into Jin to observe the change of governors. Chu sent his troops to annihilate Wu Yujiang and return to the road. He could not return it. So the son said to Zhuan Xu, "Now is the time to lose. You can't get anything! Let's be honest, Wang Si. Stand up. Although Ji Zi came, I didn't waste it. " Zhuan Xu said, "Liao Wang can be killed. Mother Lao Tzu is weak, and the two brothers attack Chu, and Chu is absolutely backward. I'm trapped in Chu, but there's no skeleton minister in it. What's it to me? " The son of light nodded and said, "The body of light is also the body of the son."
In April, Bingzi, an ambush in the cave, Liao Wang was invited to have a drink. Liao Wang sent soldiers from the Palace to the House of Light. They were all relatives of Liao Wang. Both of them hold long beryllium. When the wine was drunk, the son went into the bridal chamber and made Zhuan Xu dagger fish into his stomach. When he arrived in Wang Qian and Zhuan Xu, Liao Wang was killed for stabbing him with a dagger. Left and right also killed Zhuan Xu, and Wang Ren was flustered. The son exposed his armor and attacked Liao Wang's followers, destroying them and establishing his own king for him. He Lu, the son of Zhuan Xu, thought ShangQing.
After more than 70 years, Yu Rang was involved.
Yu Ren people, Jin people also, so taste the model, the Bank of China, but unknown. Go to Zhibo. Zhibo is very pampered. Zhi Bo attacked Zhao Xiangzi, and Zhao Xiangzi conspired with Han and Wei to destroy Zhi Bo. After destroying Zhi Bo, he divided his land into three parts. Zhao Xiangzi complained most about Zhibo, who painted his head as a wine glass. Yu rang fled to the mountain and said, "Wow! A scholar dies as a confidant, and a woman dies as a self-speaker. Since Zhi Bo knows me, I swear to repay Zhi Bo, and my soul is innocent. " But he changed his name to a prisoner and went to the palace to clean the toilet, holding a dagger in his hand, hoping to stab his son to death. Xiangzi was moved to the toilet and questioned the torturer who wiped the toilet. So Yu rang said with a knife: "I want to avenge Zhi Bo!" Both sides want to punish it. Xiangzi said, "He is an upright man, and I want to avoid him. Besides, there is no queen after Zhi Bo's death, and the ministers want revenge. This world is also a sage. " Go when you're dead.
Living in a hectares of land, jade makes self-painting perfect, swallowing charcoal dumb, making the shape unknown and begging in the streets. His wife doesn't know. When he met his friend, his friend knew him and said, "Aren't you evil in Yurang?" Yue: "Me too." His friend cried and said, "My son's talent, I entrust him with quality and service, and his son will be near Xing Zi. Close to Xing Zi, you do whatever you want, and you don't care about evil? Why are you disabled? It's miserable, and it's not difficult to return your son! " Yu Rang said, "Since I trust my minister for the people, I want to kill my minister for the monarch. And what I did was extremely ugly! However, because of this, anyone who is ashamed of future generations in the world must have two hearts to serve his king. "
When I got there, I went out and Yurang fell under the bridge I had been to. When Xiangzi reached the bridge, the horse was taken aback. Xiangzi said, "This must be Yurang." Make people ask, fruit metaphor rang also. So Xiangzi scolded Yu rang and said, "I don't know how to do things. How to do things?" Zhi Bo was slain, and his son did not repay him. Instead, he turned against the pledge minister in Zhi Bo. Zhibo is dead, too. Why should Du Zi repay him? "Yu Rang said," I am a minister, Fan, BOC, Fan, BOC. Everyone knows me, so I reported it to everyone. As for Zhi Bo, I will report to my fellow countryman when I meet a national. Xiangzi sighed and cried, "Hey, Duan Liyang! My son's name is Zhibo, but that's enough for me to forgive him. I will do my own thing and I will never let my son go again! "Surround the soldiers. Yu Rang said, "I know that the Lord does not hide the beauty of people, and loyal ministers have the intention of death. The former monarch has forgiven his ministers, and he is known as the sage of the monarch. Today, I resolutely punish it, but I am willing to invite your clothes to attack it. If I don't know what I mean, I will die without hating. Dare not look, dare to spill your heart! " Therefore, Xiangzi's sense of justice made him wear clothes with Yu Rang. Jade drew his sword three times and said, "I can report to Zhi Bo! "Suicide with a sword. On the day of his death, Zhao Zhishi heard it and burst into tears.
More than 40 years later, there is a problem of Nie Zheng.
Nie Zhengzhe is a man in a deep well. Killing people is to avoid revenge, just like your mother and your sister, and killing them is the thing.
For a long time, Yan Zhongzi of Puyang worked for him, but he was tired with Han. Yan Zhongzi was afraid of punishment and died. When he was tired, he could ask for help. In the state of Qi, the Qi people or the brave also avoid hiding in the butcher's room for revenge. Yan Zhongzi went to the door and asked, counting backwards, and then brought wine to Nie Zheng's mother. Yin Zhongzi overflowed the wine with gold and gave it to Nie Zheng before his mother's birthday. Nie Zheng was surprised by his thick thanks from YanZhongZi. Yan Zhongzi made solid progress. Nie Zheng thanked him and said, "I have an old mother, a poor family, and tourists think that dogs have harmed me, so I can die willingly one day to support my relatives. I dare not be given by Nakako. " Yan Zhongzi made man because Nie Zheng said, "I have enemies and walk among princes." But speaking of qi, I heard that the first step is very high. Therefore, people who invest a hundred dollars will use it as the rough money of adults to pay for the first step. How dare they expect evil! "Nie Zheng said," I am ashamed to live in the market, but I am lucky to support my mother; The old mother is here, and the regime dare not allow people. Yan Zhongzi promised him, but Nie Zheng refused to accept it. But Yan Zhongzi died for the ceremony of both sides.
As time went on, Nie Zheng's mother passed away. After being buried, Nie Zheng said, "Hum! Politics is a common man, wielding a knife to be slaughtered; And YanZhongZi is a vassal prime minister, Wan Li road, a waste of time by car, to the minister. I stay here because I am shallow and fresh, and I can't say that I have made any great achievements, but Yan Zhongzi regards one hundred gold as his birthday. Although I don't accept it, I know a lot about politics. The wise are angry and close to the poor and secluded, while political independence is safe! The day before yesterday, I came to politics again, and the politicians took my mother; The old mother takes the sky as the end, and politics is used as a confidant. " So I went west to Puyang and met Yan Zhongzi: "Those who were banned as Zhongzi the day before yesterday were only relatives; Today is unfortunate, but mother will end the day. Who does the neutron want to get back at? Please get engaged! " Yan Zhongzi told me: "My minister Han's enemy is fatigue, and this chivalrous man is also Ji's father. There are many clans, and there are many soldiers and guards in the house. If I want people to stab me, I can't stop. Fortunately, I won't give up my first step. Please help me ride a strong man in my car. " Said, "It's not far from Wei. Now the killers are close to the monarch. Many people can't share this situation. Many people can't lose their lives. If they lose their lives, they will talk. If they talk about it, it will be the whole of Korea, but it will be just like Nakako. Isn't it very dangerous! " So I thanked the riders, but Nie Zheng said goodbye.
Zhang Jian went to North Korea, and Han sat in the palace, holding a halberd and guarding a large number of assistant ministers. Straight into, summer was stabbed and tired, and it was a mess. Nie Zheng shouted, dozens of people were killed. They died because they cut their eyes and slaughtered their intestines.
North Korea stormed the city with Nie Zheng's body and asked him who he was. So Princess Han bought it and gave it to his daughter who could kill and was tired. I haven't known for a long time.
Sister Zheng heard that someone had been assassinated, but the thief was not allowed to go. The country doesn't know his name, and the daughter in the county was killed by violence. She said in the city, "This is my brother and? Hey, Yan Zhongzi knows my brother! " When Han stood up, in the city, Guo Zheng, a dead man, lay on the body and cried bitterly, saying, "This is the so-called deep well." Everyone in the market said, "This man insulted our country. Wang Jun bought his first name and surname and went forward, but your wife didn't hear about it? How dare you know? " Rong Ying said, "Smell it. However, for those who are humiliated and abandoned by market vendors, their mothers are lucky and my concubine is unmarried. Dear, since my concubine is married in the next life, Yan Zhongzi is going to pay the trouble among my brother, so thick, but what can I do! Shigu died as a confidant, but now I am still alive, so I will punish myself and refuse to accept it. Why should I be afraid of being killed and eventually ruin the reputation of a good brother! " Scare the Korean people. He was the third person to cry to heaven and died next to the sad and lifeless government of this city.
Hearing this, Jin, Chu, Qi and Wei all said, "It is not only her political talent, but also her sister's heroic daughter. The township government sincerely knows that his sister has no ambition to endure and doesn't care about the difficulty of violent skeleton. He will come all the way to list his name. Those who have brothers and sisters in Korea may not dare to give themselves up to Xu Yanzhongzi. Yan Zhongzi can also be said to know people and get scholars! "
In the next two hundred and twenty years, Jing Ke was involved in the Qin Dynasty.
Jing Ke, no one can defend anyone. First of all, Qi people migrated to Wei, which Wei people called it. And Yan, Yan people call it Jing Qing.
Jing Qing is good at reading and fencing. He says Wei has skill, but Wei doesn't. Later, the Qin Dynasty conquered Wei and moved to Dong Jun. The branch of Wei Yuanjun belonged to barbarian king.
Jing Ke tried to swim across Yuci and discuss the sword with Nie Gai, but Nie Gai was very angry. Jing Ke, named Jing Qing after person or word. Nie Gai said: "If there is something wrong with the sword, I will look at it;" Go if you try, and dare not stay. " Jing Qing, the former owner, has driven to Yuci. The messenger replied, Nie Gai said, "If you go, I will see it!" "
Jing Ke traveled to Handan, Lugou Kenji argued with Jing Kebo. Gou Jian was very angry and scolded him, but Jing Ke ran away and never met again.
Jing Ke is not only Yan, but also a dog who loves Yan, Tu Youyou and Gao Jianli who are good at fighting and building. Jing Ke is a heavy drinker, drinking with Dog Tu and Gao Jianli in Yan City every day. In the past, when the wine was drunk and the ears were hot, Jing Ke sang the city and wept together. Although Jing Ke swims in wine, it is a profound and good book; All the princes he visited were related to their noble elders. Its swallow, Mr. Tian Guang, is also kind to it and knows that it is not mediocre.
Living in the Qing Dynasty, I died in Qin State and returned to Yan State. Yan Taizi Dan, therefore, tasted the quality of Zhao, while Qin was born in Zhao and accompanied Dan when he was young. The political establishment is the king of Qin, and Dan is in Qin. When the king of Qin met the prince of Yan, Dan was not good, and Dan died of resentment. The person who wants to report to the king of Qin is too young to do so. Later, Qin and Japan sent troops to cut Qi, Chu and Sanjin in Shandong, and slightly invaded the princes. As for Yan and Yan Junchen, they were all afraid of disaster. Taizi Dan suffered greatly from it and asked him about Fu Juwu. Wu Dui said, "Qin is all over the world, threatening the Han, Wei and Zhao families. In the north, there are powerful springs and valleys. There are rivers of Jing and Wei in the south, which are good at forgiving Ba and Han. On the right, there is the mountain danger of Longshu. The people are tough and the soldiers are more than enough. If the meaning is different, the south of the Great Wall and the north of Xiao are uncertain. How can I see the resentment of the mausoleum and want to criticize it? " Dan said, "But why?" Right: "Please enter the picture."
Living in a room, the general Fan of Qin offended the king of Qin, the swallow died and the prince was abandoned. Ju Wu remonstrated and said, "No way. It is chilling enough that the husband is angry with Yan for the violence of the king of Qin. What does the general care about? As the saying goes,' meat should starve tigers', disaster comes from the mouth! Although there are management and constraints, it is impossible to make plans for them. May your report send General Fan to Xiongnu to kill him. Please make an appointment with Sanjin in the west, Qi and Chu in the south, and Khan in the north, and then make a profit. " The prince said, "A teacher's plan has been going on for a long time, and I'm afraid it won't work for a while. More than that, General Fu Fan died in poverty. Dan didn't give up his poor friend because of it, but gave him the Xiongnu, which was when Gudan died. May the teacher worry more. " Ju Wu said, "When my husband is in danger, I want to be safe; When he creates disasters, he seeks happiness; When he was superficial, he complained deeply; He makes friends with one person, regardless of the great harm of the country. This is the so-called "complaining about others." My husband will be fine if he burns feathers on charcoal. It is enough to carve the Qin dynasty and complain about violent anger! Mr. Yan Youtian Guang is both intelligent and brave and can work with him. " The prince said, "Can I give it to tian teacher?" Ju Wudao: "Keep your promise." When he went out to see Mr. Tian, he said, "The prince is willing to pay a state visit to China." . Tian Guang said, "Teach them with respect." This is a manufacturing problem.
The prince greeted him, but acted as a guide and knelt down to cover his seat. Tian Guang sat down and there was no one around. The prince withdrew and asked, "I hope you will pay attention to the disagreement between Yan and Qin." Tian Guang said: "I heard that Miracle is in full bloom and flies thousands of miles a day; Getting old is the first step. Today, the prince is excited by the news. I don't know that the essence of the minister has disappeared. Although you dare not seek state affairs, you can make good Jing Qing. " The prince said, "Because of your husband, I hope you can make friends with Jing Qing." Tian Guang said, "Keep your promise." Get up and rush out at once. The prince saw him to the door and warned him, "What Dan reported and what your husband said is also a national event. I hope your husband won't reveal it! " Tian Guang bowed down and smiled and said, "Promise." When he saw Jing Qing, he said, "Yan knows that light is good for children. When the prince was in full bloom today, he didn't know that I was out of shape. Fortunately, he taught me to say,' I hope Mr. Yan and Qin can't be at loggerheads'. . I am not a thief, but I am willing to step on the prince in the palace. " Jing Ke said, "I really want to teach you." Tian Guang said, "I heard that elders do whatever they do, so people don't doubt it. Today, the prince said to Guang:' What he said is also a national event, please don't let it out', which is why the prince suspects Guang. A husband suspects that his behavior is not chivalrous. " He wanted to commit suicide to stimulate Jing Qing, saying, "I wish I could be more anxious than the prince, saying that I am dead, and I won't make it clear. "Died of suicide.
Jing Ke then saw the prince, saying that Tian Guang was dead, and made a statement. The prince bowed down again and cried on his knees. After a while, he said, "Dan, so he warned Mr. Tian not to say anything. He wanted to achieve great things." Mr. Imada said nothing when he died. How thoughtful! "Jing Ke sat down, the prince bowed from the table and said," Mr. Tian didn't know the evil deeds of Dan, so he dared to do something. The reason why he mourned Yan on this day was not to abandon his loneliness. Today, the Qin dynasty is greedy for profits, but not wanting enough. Unless I am a piece of land in the world, I will never get tired of being king of the sea. Today, the Qin dynasty captured the king of Korea and made the best use of it. He set out to attack Chu in the south and Zhao in the north; Wang Jian divided his troops into hundreds of thousands, leaving Zhangzhou and Yeye, while Li Xin left Taiyuan and went out into the clouds. If Qin is not supported, he will become a minister. If he becomes a minister, it will be a disaster. Yan is small and weak, and the number is trapped in the soldiers. Today, the whole country is not enough to be A Qin. The ministers served Qin and dared not follow. Dan is selfish and foolish, thinking that the brave in the world are sincere to Qin, and he values profit; The king of Qin is insatiable and is bound to get what he wants. Sincerely robbed the king of Qin, so that he knew that the princes invaded the land. It would be great if Cao Mo and Qi Huangong were together. You can't, so kill it. If general Qin is good at fighting outside and chaotic inside, the monarch and his subjects are suspicious, so that the princes can live in harmony and Qin will be broken. This Dan is willing, but he doesn't know what he has been entrusted with. Only Jing Qing pays attention to it. "After a long time, Jing Ke said," Things in this country are also important. I am afraid it is not enough for me. " The prince nodded in front of him and told him not to give up, and then agreed. So Jing Qing was honored as the superior, and she gave up. Every day, the prince builds doors, sacrifices too many tools to let foreign things in, and rides beautiful women to suit Jing Ke's needs.
For a long time, Jing Ke did nothing. Wang Jian, the general of the Qin Dynasty, defeated Zhao and captured Zhao Wang. He made full use of his land and marched to the northern border of Yan 'an. When Taizi Dan was afraid, he asked Jing Ke, "Qin Bing crossed Yishui at dusk, but he had to wait on it for a long time. How can he get it?" Jing Ke said, "I would like to pay tribute to the Prince. If you don't believe in this trip, Qin will not be humble. General Fu Fan, the king of Qin, bought thousands of gold and thousands of cities. If you get General Fan's head map and Yan Dukang's picture of the king of Qin, the king of Qin will say that he will see me and I will be rewarded. " The prince said, "General Fan came to Dan when he was poor. Dan can't bear to hurt the old man with his own selfish interests. I am willing to worry more! "
Knowing that the Prince could not bear it, Jing Ke met Fan privately, saying, "Qin met the generals deeply, and both parents and clans died. Today, I heard that I bought the general's first gold and great wealth. What would I do? " I looked up at the sky in the future and cried, "Every time I look at it in the future, it often hurts my bones. I don't know what to say!" " Jing Ke said, "Now there is a saying that can solve Yan's troubles and avenge the general. What about him? " Before the deadline, he said, "Why?" Jing Ke said, "I hope the general's head can be dedicated to the king of Qin. The king of Qin will be happy when he sees the minister. He will put his sleeve on his left hand and slap him on his right hand. But the general's revenge will be repaid, and Yan Jianling's shame will be removed. Is the general interested? " Fan tilted his hand and said, "I have gnashed my teeth day and night, and my heart is rotten. Now he has learned to teach! " Then I killed myself. When the prince heard about it, he rushed to it and cried on the body. He was very sad. Since there is no choice, that is the first letter from Fan.
So the prince asked for the dagger of the world, got Mrs. Zhao's dagger, took a hundred gold, and let the workers use medicine to test people, and everyone had to die. Pretending to send Jing Qing. Qin Wuyang, a great warrior of the State of Yan, was thirteen years old and killed countless people. People dare not look down upon him. Is to let Qin Wuyang be the deputy. Jing Ke has something to do and wants to be with the world; He lives in the future to govern the country. After a while, before it was delivered, the prince was late. He suspected that he had repented. He replied: "The days have passed. Is Jing Qing interested?" Dan has to find Qin Wuyang first. Jing Ke was angry and scolded the prince, saying, "What did the prince send? Those who leave and don't come back, stand up straight! And carrying a dagger into unexpected Qiang Qin, so the servant stayed and treated me as a guest. The prince is late today, please resign! "So.
Both the prince and the guests who knew about it received white gifts. On the top of Xiao, the ancestors took the road, struck the floor with lofty ideas, and Jing Ke chimed. All the scholars cried in order to change their voices. He walked in front and sang, "Pay attention here!" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "After the feather generous, people dumbfounded, crown. So Jing Ke took the car and left it alone.
When he arrived in Qin, he left Meng Jia, the son of Qin's favorite minister, with money and things worth 1000 dollars. Wei Jia first said to the king of Qin: "The prince of Qin is really threatening the king of Qin, but he dare not take the transfer of troops as an official to confront the army. He hoped that the whole country would be ministers of the interior, ranking among princes and paying tribute as counties, so that he could guard the ancestral temple of the former king. Dare not confess, willing to cut the fan, offer Yan Dukangtu, and seal it. The prince bowed to the court and gave it to the king to make him listen. " The king of Qin was overjoyed when he heard about it. Dressed in royal robes, he set up nine guests to greet the Yan, Xianyang Palace. Jing Ke sent a letter from Fan, while Qin Wuyang sent a map. When he arrived at the official position, Qin Wuyang was frightened and the ministers complained. Jing Ke laughed and danced in front of him and said, "I have never seen the son of heaven, so I am very excited. May the king borrow less so that you can make the best use of it. " King Qin said, "Take the map held by Wuyang." I hit it with a picture, and the king of Qin sent a picture, but the picture was poor and the dagger was seen. Because the left hand holds the sleeve of the king of Qin and the right hand holds the dagger. Before he reached the front, the king of Qin was surprised and started from the beginning, his sleeves were broken. Draw the sword, the sword is long, and fuck its room. In a hurry, the sword is tied and can't be pulled out. Jing Ke chased the king of Qin, who walked around the column. All the ministers were ashamed, shocked when they died, and lost their degrees. In the Qin law, ministers serving in the temple are not allowed to hold large or small soldiers; All practitioners are His Royal Highness Chen. Unless summoned, you can't join the army. The party is in a hurry, so it is better to call for soldiers, and Jing Ke will chase the king of Qin. And the pawn is in a hurry, there is no way to hit it, only by hand. It's time for the doctor Xia Wuche to carry Jing Ke with the medicine bag. The king of Qin walked around the column, so anxious that he didn't know what to do. He said, "The king has a sword!" When the negative sword came out, it struck Jing Ke and broke his left leg. Jing Ke abandoned it, but led his dagger to bow to the king of Qin. He missed and won the column. The king of Qin hit caves again, and eight caves were hit. When he knew something was wrong, he leaned against the post and smiled. He stood upside down and scolded him: "if you want to rob him, you must make a contract to report it to the prince." So he killed around, and the king of Qin was unhappy for a long time. There is a difference between being a minister and sitting. Xia Wu got 200 gold. He said, "If you love me without it, you will carry Jing Ke with a medicine bag."
So the king of Qin was furious, the more soldiers attacked Zhao, and ordered Wang Jianjun to attack Yan. Pulling thrips in October. Yan and Taizi Dan tried their best to protect their elite soldiers in Liaodong. Li Xin, the general of the Qin Dynasty, was eager to chase the prince. He left a happy letter to the prince on behalf of Wang Jia, saying: "Qin was particularly anxious to chase the prince, so it was also because of Taizi Dan." Now that Wang Cheng has killed Dan Xian, the king of Qin will be freed, and the country is fortunate to have blood and food. " Later, Li Xin chased Dan, and Dan hid in the water. The prince of Yan wanted to kill Taizi Dan and offer Qin. Fu Qin invaded and attacked it. In the last five years, the Qin Dynasty killed Yan, and Rebecca was very happy.
Next year, Qin will merge with the world and be named emperor. So Prince Taizi Dan and Jing Ke's guests were killed. Gao Jianli changed his name and surname, which became the secret of Song Zi. For a long time, I was suffering. I heard that my guests had attacked the building, so I couldn't go. Every time I say anything, I say "there are good and bad." The follower told his master, "Bi Yong is a confidant and tells right and wrong in secret." My father-in-law told me to hit the floor in front, and when I sat down, I said yes, and I gave you wine. But when Gao Jianli studied for a long time and was afraid of infinity, he flinched and built his good clothes in his box to make him look better. Everyone took a seat in surprise and was polite to the guests, thinking they were guests. All the guests left with tears in their eyes when they crashed into the building and sang. Song Zichuan and his guests listened to what Qin Shihuang said. Qin Shihuang summoned him and said, "Good advice and courtesy." It is his intention that the Emperor of Qin cherished his kindness and built it, but avoided it. It's not bad to say that you are good. Closer, Gao Jianli was made of lead. Closer, the emperor Park Chin made it, which was off-center. Therefore, Gao Jianli was punished, and he was no longer close to the princes for life.
When Lu heard that Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin, he said privately, "Alas, it's a pity that he can't stab the sword! I don't know anyone! When I scold you, you treat me like I'm not a person! "
Tai Shigong said: It's not too much to talk about Jing Ke, calling him the life of Taizi Dan. "When the sun falls, the horse makes a beautiful baby." And Jing Ke hurt the king of Qin, all is not also. At the beginning, Gong, Dong Sheng, and Xia Wuqie all knew about it when they traveled, which is what Yu Dao did. From Cao Mo to Jing Ke, five people, this idea may or may not be successful, but its conception is more natural, not deceiving its ambition, and it will be famous for future generations. What a mistake!
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