Outside the customs, the camp door is light, and the smoke is late. The moonlight shines obliquely on the water, and the autumn is far away. Back to the wild goose, I will bring it back. The generals in the west have confessed for several years.
The earth is in Gankun, and people are in the desert. Cold-blooded grass grows in Changchuan, Leng Xue Zhongshan pine. Iron riders hiss and sand moraines, and Jin Ge supports Yutong. Loulan city is cunning, and it can't live without death.
Yue Zhongqi's military feelings
The north wind blows the bow knife, and the snow bell shaft is lonely at night. Wanli opened a jade plug with a standard. For three years, it was a military horse and a Sikkim sable. Bow snake, after all, into a shadow of doubt, Doumi ever bent down. I haven't learned nymph, and the mountain god dreams in the distance.