(The second paragraph) So King Xiang got on his horse, followed by more than 800 brave men, who broke through the encirclement at night and rushed out to the south and flew away. At dawn, the Han army realized and ordered the rider Guan Ying to lead five thousand cavalry to catch up. King Xiang crossed the Huaihe River, and only a hundred strong men could keep up. Wang Xiang got lost when he arrived at Yinling. He asked a farmer, and the farmer lied to him and said, "Turn left." Xiang Wang led his men to the left and got stuck in the swamp. So the Han soldiers caught up with them. Xiang Wang took the cavalry to the east and arrived in Dongcheng. There are only 28 people left at this time. Thousands of people were overtaken by Han cavalry. Wang Xiang himself estimated that he could not escape, so he said to his cavalry, "I have led the uprising for eight years, and I personally fought more than 70 wars. All the enemies I resisted were defeated, and all the enemies I attacked surrendered and never failed, so I was able to dominate the world. But now I'm finally stuck here. It's because God wants to destroy me, not because of the fight. Today, I must make up my mind to die I am willing to give you a good fight, and I will win three times. I want to break through the encirclement, slay the Han generals and cut down the military flag, so that you can know that God really wants to destroy me, and it is by no means the fault of combat. " (3) so the cavalry was divided into four teams, facing four directions. The Han army surrounded them for several floors. King Xiang said to the cavalry, "I'll take a Han general for you!" " "He ordered knights from all directions to gallop down the mountain, and agreed to rush to the east of the mountain and meet in three places. So Wang Xiang let out a cry and rushed down, and the Han army fell down like grass and trees lodging in the wind. Wang Xiang killed a Han general. At this time, Chiquan Hou Yangxi rode to the Han army and chased Wang Xiang behind. Wang Xiang glared at him and scolded him. Hou Lian of Chiquan fell back several miles in fright. King Xiang and his cavalry met in three places. The Han army didn't know the whereabouts of Wang Xiang, so they divided into three ways and surrounded again. Wang Ce Ma Chong went up, beheaded another captain of the Han army, killed one hundred and eighty people, assembled cavalry, and lost only two people. King Xiang asked the cavalry, "How's it going?" The cavalry said respectfully, "just like the king said." "
At this time, Wang Xiang wanted to cross the Wujiang River eastward. Director of Wujiang Pavilion was waiting to dock there, and said to Wang Xiang, "Although Jiangdong is small, with a land of a thousand miles and hundreds of thousands of people, it is enough to be king. I hope your majesty will cross the river quickly. Now I'm the only boat here, and the Han army has arrived and can't get through. " King Xiang said with a smile, "God wants to destroy me, so why should I cross the Wujiang River?" ! Besides, eight thousand children from Jiangdong and I crossed the river to the west, and no one has come back now. Even if my friends in Jiangdong love me and make me king, how can I face them? Even if they don't say anything, don't I feel guilty in Ji Xiang? So he said to the curator, "I know you are a loyal elder. I have been riding this horse for five years and I am invincible. I used to walk thousands of miles every day. I can't bear to kill it for you. "Command the cavalry to dismount and walk, and engage the troops with short weapons. Ji Xiang alone killed hundreds of Han troops. Wang Xiang also suffered more than a dozen injuries. Wang Xiang looked back and saw the Han army riding Sima Lv Matong. He said, "Aren't you my old acquaintance?" At this moment, stable boy and Wang Xiang met, so he pointed to Wang Hao and said, "This is Wang Xiang. Wang Xiang said, "I heard that Hanwang offered a reward of 1,000 kilograms of gold for every family in the city to ask for my head. I will give you this benefit! " Say that finish, committed suicide. Epang Palace Fu Translation: Six countries die, and the world is unified. All the trees in the mountains of Sichuan were cut down and Epang Palace was built. It covers more than 300 miles, almost covering the sun. It starts from the north of Lishan Mountain and winds westward to Xianyang. Weishui and Fan Chuan, vastly flow into the palace wall. Five steps to the tall building and ten steps to the pavilion; The promenade is like a ribbon, winding and high eaves, pecking in the air like a bird's beak. These pavilions are surrounded by different terrains, cloisters are surrounded by hooks, and the cornices are towering, like battle horns. It twists and turns, as dense as a honeycomb, even like a water vortex. I don't know. Tens of millions. The long bridge lies in the water (like a dragon) and there is no cloud. Why is there a dragonfly? The passage between pavilions is in the air (like a rainbow), but it is not after rain. How can there be a rainbow? The high and low pavilions are vague, which makes people unable to distinguish between east, west, north and south. Singing from the high platform makes people feel warm, as warm as spring; Dancing sleeves fluttered in the hall, making people feel cold, as if it was raining cold. On the same day, in the same palace, but the climate is very different.
The daughters and granddaughters of ladies-in-waiting, concubines, princes and nobles (six countries) bid farewell to the palace attic of the old country and got into the chariot and went to Qin State. Singing in the morning and playing the piano at night, they became the concubines of Qin Shihuang. I saw the stars twinkling (early in the morning) and turned on the toilet mirror; Seeing the dark clouds disturbing, they combed their hair early in the morning; There is a layer of greasy water on the Weihe River, which they spilled powder water. Light smoke fills the air, and the fragrance is filled with fog, which is the special fragrance of pepper and orchid they burned. Suddenly, the loud noise was deafening, and the palace car passed by. I don't know where it's going, because the sound of the wheels is fading away. (Maid-in-waiting) tries her best to show her charm. Every skin and gesture are extremely touching. They stood and watched for a long time, hoping that the emperor would be lucky to come; (Poor) Some people have not seen the emperor for thirty-six years. The treasures collected by Zhao in Yan, the gold and silver collected by Wei in South Korea and the treasures preserved by Chu in Qi are all plundered from the people for many years and generations, piling up like mountains. Once the country is destroyed and can no longer be occupied, it will be transported to Epang Palace. From then on, Baoding (as) iron pot, Baoyu (as) stone, gold (as) clods and pearls (as) rubble were littered, which was not a pity for Qin people to see.
Alas! One person's idea is also the idea of millions of people. Qin Shihuang liked prosperity and luxury, and the people also missed their homes. Why don't you even let go of a penny when you treasure, but treat it like sediment when you squander it? Even make (Epang Palace) has more pillars supporting the girders than farmers in the fields; There are more rafters on beams than weaver girls on looms; Uneven tile joints, people wear silk thread; There are more straight railings and horizontal thresholds than the cloisters in Kyushu; The piano and flute are loud, louder than downtown. People all over the world are afraid to say it, but their hearts are full of anger. The tyrant Qin Shihuang became more and more arrogant and stubborn. So Chen Sheng and Guangwu rose up, and Liu Bang broke through Hangu Pass; Xiang Yu set a fire, but the luxurious palace became a scorched earth!
Alas! It was the six countries themselves that destroyed the six countries, not the State of Qin. It was the king of Qin himself who destroyed the state of Qin, not everyone in the world. Alas! If the monarchs of the six countries can caress their own people, they can resist the state of Qin; If we can also cherish the people of the six countries, we can pass it on to the third generation, or even to generations as emperors. Who can destroy him? The rulers of Qin had no time to lament their own demise, but let future generations lament; If future generations lament instead of learning from it, then future generations will also lament.