If it doesn't work, shout at once. Wolves are afraid to shout. If there are firecrackers, it is best. The wolf fled at 1000%. But in the mountains, when you meet a wolf, you can't try more. As we all know, when there are many people, others will light the fire immediately, first light the hay on the ground, then light the handle and hold the torch to clear the way. If the wolf really rushes in front of us and we don't have firecrackers and torches, the wolf will rush in as soon as we shout. Standing with your feet apart is like squatting. Hold the knife tightly with both hands, keep your eyes on the wolf, be calm and make a static brake. When the wolf pounces, be sure to determine the direction and height of the wolf, sink, hold the knife in your hand (preferably with both hands), thrust it hard at the wolf's throat (if you are not sure, plunge it into your chest or stomach), pick it forward and make a long cut, so that the wolf will not die.