A light at night (Tai 9) The sick need a doctor, and the sinner needs a savior.

The sick need a doctor, and the sinner needs a savior.

Matt 9: 12 When Jesus heard this, he said, "The healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick do.

Matthew 9: 13 scripture says, "I love pity, not sacrifice." Try to understand the meaning of this sentence. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. "

A person doesn't want a doctor when he is healthy, but he needs a doctor most when he is sick.

Similarly, Jesus only made friends with sinners, because he knew that what they needed most was him. Yes, what sinners need most is a savior!

If you don't know that you are guilty, you not only don't need Jesus, but you may also be hostile to Jesus. It's like a child who sees a doctor with a needle and wants to bite him.

In fact, the doctor only pricked the child because he was ill. In fact, the whole world is guilty and needs Jesus' redemption!

You may be a good man, but you must be guilty before God! Because we all lack the glory of God.

Shang: Man is the spirit of all things. People's eyes can see everything, and people's spirit should be very Ming Rui. There must be a creator behind everything. But people do not attribute this glory to God, but to nature, so it is a crime of "insulting" God.

Man is the spirit of all things, but he worships the idols he has carved by himself. This is the loss of wisdom, intelligence, intelligence and thought that God gave him.

So Jesus said, "The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost." .

Therefore, everyone needs a savior. A sinner can't save himself. Only Christ Jesus, who is incarnated, can save sinners.

The most painful thing for a patient is to find that he is ill, but there is no doctor to treat him. The most desperate thing for a sinner is to know that he is guilty, but no one can save him.

Thank Jesus, who is not only the savior of sinners; Moreover, he is willing to make friends with sinners because he likes to pity us.

Dear compatriots, after reading the above passage, if you think it makes sense; Now you can ask Jesus for help: ask him to save you from all your sins, make you a victorious person, and restore the glorious image God made you.