The words of Yonghe Palace are bright moon flowers in Yangzhou, lined with fragrant dust to welcome Lihua. The old house Jiangdu feiyanjing, the new Hou Guanwu settled down. Ya Bu's slim waist was called for the first time. It was Chai Jin's engagement day. Abundance is unparalleled, cuju says chess first. Flowers and birds in the forest sketch, Zhong Wang banned plain hair. In spring, the willow wind tries the horse, and in cold nights, the phoenix tree plays the flute. The king had no happy event at night, and the palace door was closed at midnight. The jade bed sleeps less. Who are Chen E and Wei Yan? Princess Ming is the only benefactor and should comfort the Supreme with a smile. White teeth don't ask, moths frown warmly. In this dynasty, Qing Yan was cultivated by French, and room curtains were recommended for a long time. I only chase Yangxian tea, and the people inside are reduced to Zhaoyang cuisine. Weiyang is good at making Jiangnan clothes, and the kiosk smokes. Buy new samples of Qionghua privately, and hand over the self-repairing water to the yellow orange. The palace calls the king's will, but the silver ring is not jealous of Wen. It is better to protect everyone as soon as possible than to laugh with her. I sent Jia to the Dragon Palace, but I lost two palaces. Although Yun Fan Jin can talk in words, it is difficult for him to show his manners. The small green book is printed, and Joan's letter is full of porcelain. Please be a sinner and teach the Lord grace. You must win the king's heart with words. The king cares about the whole city, so the sword still has enmity. Jade people in calligraphy were booed and came down to wipe crow marks. My foreign officials worship my captain, and I value the benefits of a ranger more in my life. Being eager for money, the bound guests will kill the pianist at the banquet. Banji was transferred to Zuo Jixian, and Huo was arrogant and extravagant. Sobbing, he heard the imperial edict of Jiaodian and laughed at Tan Hao for taking Baling field. One company cut the general's salary, and the nobles ignored the dream of the palace car. Rumor has it that Yongxiang plays with flowers. Who will accompany you to see the scenery and the gate? Tian Yan ignored people's worries, and then urged Huang Men to call for a patrol. When I advised the housekeeper not to pretend, the jade car arrived at the western end of the temple early. The second king is the youngest, and the elder is the younger brother who studies less. It is said that Taoist ministers have a reputation for setting up pottery, and they will get sick and be happy. Did the King of God tell us that the Queen Mother Manyun had left the palace? Wuyang did not save Cang Shu's revenge, the golden lock withered, and the jade capacity turned red. From then on, the king was miserable and unhappy, and the wind of buying wine was bleak. It is reported that Henan lost several states in succession, and the situation was shattered by the injuries of several children. The imperial concubine sat on the open bed, her eyebrows covering the bridal chamber. Cardamom soup is cool, litchi meat is hot, and jade fish is cool. Qiu couldn't help crying, and Pei returned to the king's knees. Moss has no dreams in Nagato, but flowers flying and cold food should be remembered. Jade box beads open the toilet and sing songs, which is tantamount to burying Tong Chang. The king wanted to mourn the cicada, and Xie Zhuang was a courtier. The white house was dark and frowned, and I knew it was not a blessing to show the morning dew. Gongcao will be in blood shed next year, so don't go to Xiling in tears at that time. Poor Spring looked flustered when they met, and he also asked the butler about Wang Yong. Yuhuan's funeral is free, and there is no need to complain about the rise and fall of copper finches. Since ancient times, luxury is like a hub, and Wu' an is worried about home. Although Aiko has added sorrow to Zhu Beizeng, his family has buried the foot of Mount Li. It rains at night, pepper houses are smoldering, and cuckoos crow and bleed at Longmen. After the fall of the Han family, they knew each other and hated each other. There was only one noble person in those days. The garden is desolate, with new wooden arches, and pedestrians still know Zhao Yi's tomb. Maifanshu asks Maoling, and the setting sun creeps the creeper to bury the remains. Zhao Qiusong mourned in the north wind, and the spring in the south embraced the night. If you don't play the song, Jingyang Palace will fall in autumn.
Wu Meicun's poems were written by Chongzhen and Gong Shufei Shi Tian. I don't know if it counts.