1. Yi Xing Poetry [Simplified] "Yi Xing Poetry Society" is a literary and art group mainly composed of poets founded in May 1987 in New York, USA, initiated by mainland poet Yan Li. www.yihang.net 2. Dahefeng Poetry [Simplified] includes Dahefeng Forum, poet column, poet information, and critic library. www.dhpoem.com 3. Chou Shi Poetry Network [Simplified] is sponsored by the editorial department of Fujian Chou Shi Poetry Newspaper. www.choushi.com 4. Chinese Poetry [Simplified] A comprehensive website of metrical poetry. Contains classic poetry, poets, poetry theory, etc. www.zhsc.net 5. Chinese Poetry Encyclopedia [Simplified] Online poetry query system, providing search queries for 60,000 old-style poems. www.21ue.com 6. Chinese Poetry Network [Simplified] provides poetry and poetry works from all eras.