A hen who has just entered the laying nest will run away soon if you catch her; But after a certain period of incubation, even if you catch him, he will only stand up and peck your hand with his mouth, and will not stand up. Because by this time the egg has reached the cloacal orifice (anal orifice), the hen is concentrating on preparing to give birth to it.
Because the hen needs a lot of physical strength to lay an egg, she doesn't leave the nest until she lays a good egg and has a rest for a certain period of time. At this time, its spirit is in a state of excitement, so it has been giggling.
Another function of hen's cry is to attract the opposite sex. If you have been to a chicken farm, you can often find a rooster waiting beside the chicken nest. When hens leave their nests, they will go up to mate. Eggs born the next day are the easiest to fertilize, which means chicks are easy to hatch.