The song of Horst wiesel
is a March composed by Horst Wessel, the leader of the Emergency Unit, before his death. Goebbels set it as the Nazi party song, and after 1934 it was the unofficial Nazi German national anthem.
The main idea of the lyrics
The battle flag is held high
The ranks are closely arranged
The stormtroopers March with firm steps
Comrades braved the bullets of the red elements and reactionaries
Our ranks March in order
Towards a more unified Germany
The road is empty
The stormtroopers are online
. Is the only hope of the people
looking forward to freedom
and the ideal of bread
Just at this moment
the call for action suddenly sounded
Go to fight
We are waiting for the arrow
plant the Fuehrer's flag all over the streets
After the suffering is over, it will be heaven