1. Who does the poet invite to praise the Lord? How should they praise the Lord? 1/3
① The righteous and the upright.
(2) rejoice in the Lord, you righteous people, for the praise of the upright is fitting. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre, and sing praises to him with the lyre of ten strings. Sing a new song to him, play skillfully and loudly.
2. What does the poet say because of the Lord? 4/5
(1) Because the words of the Lord are upright, everything he does is honest. He loves righteousness and justice, and the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.
3. What does the poet say about the existence of the heavens? 6/7
① The heavens were made by the Lord's command, and all things were made by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the sea like a base and collects the deep ocean in the warehouse.
4. What are the poet's two wishes? This is because what kind of power does the Lord have? 8/11
① Let all the earth fear the Lord, and let all the inhabitants of the world fear him.
② because he said there is, there is; If you want to stand, stand. The Lord has made the plans of the nations come to nothing, and the thoughts of the people have no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, and the thoughts of his heart endure from generation to generation.
5. Who does the poet say is blessed? 12
(1) Blessed is the country whose God is Jehovah!
(2) blessed is the people whom he has chosen as his own inheritance!
6. how does the Lord observe the world? 13/15
① The Lord looks from heaven, and he sees all the people; Looking out from his residence at all the inhabitants of the earth. He is the one who caused the hearts of all of them and paid attention to all their actions.
7. What are the three "no's" the poet said? What does this mean? 16/17
(1) Kings can't win because of many soldiers, and warriors can't be saved because of great strength; It is futile to be saved by a horse, and a horse cannot save people by strength.
② It shows that man is limited, and only God is omnipotent.
8. Who does the poet say the eyes of the Lord care for? What, just them? 18/19
① The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him and those who hope in his love
② To save their lives from death and make them survive in famine.
9. Poet, what has our heart always been like? What's this about? 2
① Our hearts have been waiting for the Lord.
② He is our help and our shield.
1. What does the poet say about our hearts? What's this about? What does the poet ask the Lord for? 21/22
① Our hearts will be glad in him.
② because we have always trusted in his holy name.
(3) o Lord, please show us your kindness according to our hope in you.
(2) Application
Why do poets praise the Lord?
1. Praise for thanking God (4/7)
1. Be faithful to God (4)
2. Be righteous to God (5)
3. Be creative to God (6/7)
2. Praise for worshipping God (9/12)
1. Be powerful to God.