When a child is young and ignorant, you can impose your views and ideas on his son. When my son grows up, he has his own circle of friends and his own opinions. If you impose interference again, you must let his son do it according to your model, then the relationship between father and son must be bad. When my son graduated from college, his father picked out all the clothes, pants and shoes. He chose expensive and good ones, but many times the children didn't like them, so his father strongly said yes and bought this one. So the child said helplessly, anyway, I don't make money now, and whoever pays has the final say. Until now, the son is married, and the father is still involved in his son's clothes. It is uncomfortable not to listen to him. Do you think this relationship can be good? My son is old and mature in all aspects. As a father, just give him proper guidance. Whether he listens or not is a matter for children. There is no need to interfere too much, and there is no need to break into a furious rage, hurt yourself, hurt others, and hurt others without listening to your advice. Not worth it.