Joan walked the last journey on her miserable road. She asked God to help her, forgive her mistakes and drive the enemy out of France forever. At this moment, no one can know for sure what is on her mind, but we have reason to believe that she, with deep love for her motherland, France, and with incomparable heroic dedication, will hold all her thoughts high to the sky and face the eternal God.
as for Charlie? He didn't wake up until thirteen years later. It was not until 1444 that he had the confidence to govern the country, and he really assumed the responsibility of the king. However, did he finally understand the lesson of Joan's death? Did the death of Joan of Arc awaken his love for the people in this prince? But after all, he did not forget her. In 1449, he entered Lyon and tried to inquire about the trial. He is surrounded by a group of wise men, everyone is loyal to him, and he will recover the French land still occupied by the British. In 1453, only Calais was still in the hands of the British, and the city did not return to France until 1558.
The four wheels of the car dragged Joan rolling and advancing on the gravel road. What is the girl's eyes staring at at at this time? Did she see all the tearful faces around her? Did she hear the cries of the soldiers and the coldness of the enemies? This, we can't know, this is between her and God. The sun is shining in May, the blue sky is full of spring scenery, and the earth is resurrected. What about Joan? She is nineteen years old and is heading for death. She is about to run to the front of God, and this death is like a bridge to the promised land, and she will cross it.
A lot of firewood was prepared in the ancient market, and Joan stepped on it. She wore a robe and looked quiet. Lavignie obeyed Gosong's order and read out the verdict loudly: "We expel you from the holy church!" Joan knelt down and asked the Lord to forgive her all possible sins. She prayed to God and saints, and minute by minute passed, and people couldn't wait for this scene to pass quickly. The soldiers tied her up so that she could not move a bit after the fire was lit. On the woodpile where she was tied, there was a' re' hanging high, and the charges against her were written in huge letters. Joan looked at the world around her and shouted, "Ah, Rouen, I'm afraid you'll pay a high price for my death!" " She asked people for a cross. A British soldier made a cross out of two sticks and handed it to her. She took it and kissed it. The fire had reached her feet, and she cried and complained that all the voices she heard told her the truth, and she asserted that she served God wholeheartedly. Her last words were: "Jesus ...!"
The fire was fierce, and Joan's body was quickly reduced to ashes. Strangely, however, her heart was not on fire. They ordered that it be put into the Seine. In this way, Joan left nothing in this world.
the crowd shuffled home. A British soldier suddenly shouted, "Oh, we burned a saint." People's emotions are like being shrouded in night. What will tomorrow be like? Only the girl's enemies feel carefree; Isabel is confident and free. Today, the freedom of France and the happiness of her son have lost their meaning to her. She was lonely and had no contact with anyone, and she was slow to repent of her crimes against Charlie and Joan. She was afraid, she cried, and she talked about her terrible mistakes and asked for forgiveness. She had Joan's trial read to her. She said, "Charlie is my son, but I should love and protect him, but I burned the girl who loved and protected him." If God doesn't forgive me, I hope he will let me be next to my son one day. But I am so heartless that I should be punished by God and the people. " She died more than four years after Joan. Before she died, she felt heavy guilt for her mistakes, and no one mourned her after her death.
Joan died, and her young body was destroyed, leaving no trace. However, her image is tall in the hearts of the French people. It was she who awakened their sense of freedom, who led them to the road of anti-Japanese war, and whose courage inspired them to expel the enemy. She left her image to France, and France cherished it. Joan returned France to the French people.
Soon after, Joan's father died, and her mother was very lonely. Later, she took the children to Paris to see the archbishop and asked for rehabilitation. Years passed, and the pain of the past was forgotten. The church re-examined Joan of Arc's case. In July 1456, the church made a ruling: "Joan was wrongly sentenced, and it was wrong to burn her. She had no fault." Although this decision was lost too late, the name of Joan of Arc was finally vindicated. Besides, her mother and friends want nothing more. In the twentieth century, the church decided to recognize Joan of Arc as a saint.
Today, in many churches in France, we will see the altar of Joan of Arc. People came to pray for her and presented bouquets in front of her statue. Many cities and even villages will have a street and a square named after Joan of Arc. On May 3th every year, a religious ceremony is held to commemorate her. In front of her, she only got the support of some friends and honest people; In our time, everyone knows that she saved France.
God actually made a great cause of saving the country with a humble rural girl. Pray for the holy spirit of God to light the fire of God's love in the hearts of the believers, and pray for Joan of Arc to pray for our Chinese youth!