A brief analysis of the multiple symbolic meanings of "ship" and "shore" in "The Brig".

Answer: Because the poet used symbolic techniques, the relationship between "ship" and "shore" is very complicated and has multiple meanings. We might as well assume that they are a pair of lovers in love, and "The Brig" can be said to be a love poem. But this coast is really more than just a representative of a lover. It seems to symbolize something broader and deeper than a lover. You can even say that it symbolizes the motherland, the nation, and many other respectable things. . In addition, if we don’t necessarily attribute it to a specific thing, but just say that this poem expresses the poet’s admiration and pursuit of a power that is far broader and deeper than himself, is it also okay? Whether it is a nation that has experienced turbulent history, or a girl who has grown up in a period of constant storms and turbulence, such admiration and calling are very natural. In a sense, it can even be said that Brig's state of mind is the same state of mind that many of us share. Perhaps it is this that makes this poem so attractive to Chinese people who have experienced disasters, young and old.