As a famous poetry translator in China, Mr. Jiang Feng advocates that "the translation of poetry should be similar in form before it is similar in spirit". He believes that "the translator's loyalty lies in trying to be similar to the original, and preserving the shape of the original as much as possible should help to reproduce the spirit of the original as faithfully as possible." Based on this idea, Mr. Jiang Feng makes the translation both spiritual and vivid, which brings aesthetic feeling to both the original readers and the target readers.
From the background of the original author, Shelley was only thirty years old. His life was full of romantic feelings and rebellious spirit, full of love and yearning for the beautiful things in life, and at the same time he rebelled against traditional dogma. Mr. Jiang Feng's translation has a more lively rhythm and a fresher style.
To the lark is a poem written by the English poet percy bysshe shelley in 1820. Poetry enthusiastically praises larks with romanticism. In the poet's pen, the lark is a symbol of joy, light and beauty. Poets use metaphors, analogies and questions to describe larks.