French score of The Little Dancing Friar

Ah! If I were dancing! (French)

Ah! If I were dancing!

Ah! If I were dancing!

I love you

I love you


Dance, my baby, dance!

You can't dance.

You are no longer my miller,

You're not my mill marcher.

Ah! If I were dancing!

Ah! If I were dancing!

I love you

I am very happy.


Ah! If I were dancing!

Ah! If I were dancing!

A small church

A small church.


Ah! If I were dancing!

Ah! If I were dancing!

I am a brave man.

A frog.


Ah! If I were dancing!

Ah! If I were dancing!

I am a beautiful person.

I am a beautiful person.


What will happen? u de pauvreté,

What will happen? Poor university

Je T'aime, Je T'aime

He chose me.
