Keiko (Hui Shi) is very sad to hear that Zhuangzi's wife has passed away. He and Zhuangzi have been friends for many years, so they hurried to the dealer to offer their condolences to Zhuangzi. But when he arrived at the dealer, what he saw surprised him. I saw Zhuangzi sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, like a dustpan, with a stick in his hand and a clay basin in front of him. Zhuangzi rapped on the pottery bowl with a wooden stick and sang a song.
Keiko was stunned first, then gradually gave birth to dissatisfaction, and finally resented. He angrily walked up to Zhuangzi, and Zhuangzi briefly looked up at him, banging on the pot and singing. Keiko couldn't help it: "Zhuangzi! Your wife has lived with you for so many years, raising your children and helping you with housework. Now that she has passed away, it doesn't matter if you are not sad, sad or crying, but you still have to knock on the pottery bowl and sing! Don't you think this is too much! "
Hearing this, Zhuangzi stood up slowly. Keiko looked at his face and felt that what he had just said was a bit too much. How can you say that Zhuangzi is not sad at all? His face was faintly sad and his eyes were red. Keiko unconsciously sighed secretly: "This Zhuang Zhou is indifferent to everything, so he is always unpredictable."
Zhuangzi said, "Brother Hui, thank you for coming all the way to offer your condolences. In fact, when my wife just died, I was so sad that I cried! If you think about it carefully, you will know that the wife is lifeless at first; Not only is there no life, but there is no body; It not only has no body, but also has no breathing. In between, the most primitive things change to produce breath, change to produce form, and change to produce life. Now it's dead, which means there is no life. This change, just like the four seasons, is continuous. Now she is resting quietly between heaven and earth, and I am still crying. Isn't that too unreasonable? So I stopped crying. "